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Normal not to have had a bf/gf before uni?

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I dont really know where to put this but I guess datin is as good as any other place for this...mods if u need to move this plz do>>>

Is it abnormal or normal to have not had a bf/gf before university? Everywhere I look my friends have a bf/gf. I was just sitting here after being silenty rejected (if you read my other posts u'll get it) by this girl and thinking about it. And it struck me that every friend that I talk to often or even causually all have a bf/gf and a lot of them are going out with eachother (like friends of mine goin out with other friends of mine) and I can only think of like 3 guys which aren't going out with someone that I know...and that scares me because then I'll have like no friends because ppl spend a lot of time with their bf/gf....since I'm just spilling out a lot of stuff here I'll keep going. I'm worried about my last year in school gr.12, after that I graduate, for some reason I'm worried about prom and that I'll have no one to go with because everyone will already have a date and I won't even be able to go with someone as a friend. I don't really know if there were any questions in the second part of my post but any comments or anything will be helpful thanks a lot...

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Please don't worry so much. I want you to enjoy being young, because it only happens once. If it's any constellation, I didn't have my first serious bf until after high school. I went to two proms, both times with friends. You're going to be fine, and I guarantee that when you get to college, girls are going to be all over you because you're mature, intelligent and sweet. Also, these friends that are in relationships now may eventually break up, and meet new people, and their girlfriends will have friends for you to meet. That's the beauty of being young! You'll always have single friends, I promise you that! I think you should worry about having a great time and doing what makes you happy.

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Yes, it's perfectly normal. Several of my friends did not start dating until college (university) or even after that, and rather than wishing they had started sooner, they were happy to have had that time to really get to know themselves and enjoy other aspects of life. 10 years later, many of them are now happily married to wonderful people!

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it is definitely normal to not have had a boyfriend or girlfriend before going to college. I never did and going to college was just what I needed. Being in a completely new situation with people who are just as alone as you are makes making friends really easy (and meeting a SO easier too). I don't think people who judge you based on the fact that you've never had a bf/gf or even really notice. Don't stress! You're time will come. Maybe you just haven't met someone special enough.

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Dude, didn't you see those sites I posted on your last thread? You have the power to change your own life into the one you desire and it will all start by learning the skills necessary to communicate with chicks properly.


So no more sitting around and complaining. Do the work, post your results, analyze and get feedback. Sounds like a recipie for success if you ask me.

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I wouldn't consider it abnormal. I know lots of people who have not had boyfriends or girlfriends before entering college. Although once you reach my age, it becomes a little less common. I'm going into my last year and I still have not...and if that's not what is considered normal...oh well. I don't let myself worry about that anymore.


Just don't feel pressured into trying to find any relationship you can. Bad relationships can be just as bad or worse than being alone, as I have seen from some of my friends' experiences.

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Well I am 24 25 in december and single. I didnt start dating until I was done high school. I had some good guy friends before college and did talk to some girls then too, but I was shy. Then I started college and met some new friends (even girls) and now im not too shy anymore. A few months ago before I graduated I almost got into a relationship with a girl i was going to school with but didnt happen. Almost another one too but found out she was taken. Its ok. But I have been dating off and on for the last 4 yrs or so. None lasted a very long time but what I had was good. Juyst didnt have a lot of the same interets, etc. But hold in there, once u start college youll meet a lot of nice girls, but make sure they have the same interests, personality, etc as you, otherwise it wont work too well, as was my case a lot of the time. Have you tried online dating? It has worked for me. Hope this helps. Good luck!

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I had never had girlfriend when I finished School. I was more interested in other things, such as friends, and sports, and music. I dont think it ever bothered me. I am sure that there will be heaps of time to have girlfriends later when the right one comes allong. Dont worry to much about it mate.

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