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Three Reasons Your Relationship Ended...

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Umm Ray were we dating the same person? Take away #4 and replace it with he screwed his exgirlfriend and you have my ex.


LOL, Rox, sadly I am sure there are many like that out there!


Mine fortunately (he was not someone whom would cheat despite all his other flaws...) waited until we were over before he slept with any ex's...lol.

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-We fought a lot

-I acted clingy and immature at times

-She emotionally cheated on me


Ha. I can relate to that one. We did fight a lot but there were a lot of underlying things as to why we fought so much.


OK, I can give a few reasons for my relationship's demise.


1. He cheated. Not sex with another girl but he suppossedly propositioned a girl at a party. He made out with a girl that WAS a friend of mine. And he was chatting online and on the phone with a girl he met on an online message board who had sent him nude pictures of herself.


2. He lied to me.


3. He took me for granted. I did SOOO much for him and I did NOT get the same degree of effort, energy, or thoughts in return.


4. He was a musician so I always went to his shows, took interest in music he'd write, and went to do stuff he wanted to do. He never showed the same interest in my own passions and argued over something that I wanted to do.


5. I met all his friends. Wanted to hang out with his friends. He didn't want to hang out with mine.


Well, those are just a few of the reasons. On my part I could say that I was insecure, didn't trust him, and didn't give him enough of his space.


Right after we broke up I blamed myself for our break up due to my issues and how I would constantly pick fights with him. But then I realized that I acted this way because of how he treated me and I did NOT trust him because he had not given me reason to.

He never actually had sex with anyone but he emotionally cheated on me many, many times. He did a lot of things that made my stomach churn and made me feel like sh*t.

Someone worth my time and who actually loved me, was mature, and wanted to be with me, would not have done the things that my ex had done.


I tried REALLY hard with my ex and found myself in constant heartbreak. No one should be heartbroken while IN a relationship.

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LOL, since I only had a relation of only 7 days, i don't feel like I should even count it. But then again, since I had accepted him as b/f, then I'll count it.


Three reasons why I dump him:

1) No real chemistry, bond-attachment

2) Didn't have a chance to get to know him better, we wouldn't date that often

3) Found out he was a drug addict

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Just to give you a better perspective - we started dating in June 1999. She broke up with me in March 2004. We never fought, or anything. The chemistry was there. Or so I thought.


1. She wasn't mature enough. (We started dating when she was 18.)

2. She wanted to see 'what else is out there'.

3. I took her for granted.

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Hahaha good topic!


Only three you say? Uhm, let me summarize then... Or three per relationship?


1. he didn't respect me (first and second relationship, first was 4 years on and off, second only 2 months and I was the one who broke it off for noticing the past was repeating itself)

2. we had 1500 km between us (ah, my sweet Italian man, we are still friends)

3. he turned out to be asexual and broke up with me for my own sake (also still friends)


The first relationship was the only 'heartbreak' I really had. What he said:


1. I can't be in a commitment

2. I need to develop myself and have my own space

3. I can't be in a commitment


The truth:


1. I am seeing someone else and can't wait to get rid of you but since she is engaged, let's have great sex.

2. I am a egotistical loser

3. I need space to commit myself to someone who is committed to someone else.


Karma is a sweet thing, last time we spoke, he had the nerve of complaining to ME about how this girl (yeah, she broke the engagement and is with the ex haha), doesn't really feel like sex. How sorry I am for him...


I am happy with a new man nowadays and hopefully won't have to give a three reason list for him in the future!



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ok sounds good.....these are mine.


1. Commitment phobia on her part.


2. Still keeping in contact with her 1st bf, this guy apparently was ready with engagement rings and still she wouldn't let him know that she is with me. Talking all the time about him and not doing anythin about her studies, finding a job, doing somethin about her life.


3. Taking me for granted/ same from my side too i just totally dismissed all the red flags so to speak.....she ended it tho sayin i wasn't giving her space when i asked her to stop the contact with her ex.

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