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Three Reasons Your Relationship Ended...

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To look at this a bit more postively, I think we should all list at least three reasons our relationships ended for the best..this doesn't necessarily include bashing your ex's...but its permitted [=


For me:

- we were both on different maturity levels.

- he was unsure of what he wanted out of the relationship.

- we were too different.

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i can totally relate to the last one. my ex's brother talked him into it too. roar.


but then again...i need someone who can make their own decisions and stick by them. unfortunately my ex has a lot of growing to do...i mean, he is a boy stuck in a man's body.

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-I took the relationship for granted

-I took her for granted and stopped listening

-I started to look at the grass is greener



-she took me for granted

-she never fully communicated her feelings before it became too late

-she gave up on me.


Both lists contradict, but who really understands the complexities of love and why the hell is screws us up so badly. In most cases blame resides in the person who applying it, but to realize both sides and where both went wrong. Its a waste of time to lay blame, but realize both parties may have made some bad decision. In the end, in most cases, communication wasn't there to help them solve the problems. When communication stops, then the conversations that should've been had are replaced with the empty silence. Thats what happened in my case

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my official story is that i filed for divorce because the marriage was tainted and cursed. i've heard over the backyard fence that some people in my hood break up due to things like a sudden and total loss of trust, a perceived lack of conscience and/or a violent and bullying demeanor.

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Reasons it's for the best?


1. She wanted out.

2. We're still close friends.

3. No more mother-in-law!



wrong thread buddy....hehe



3 reasons:

-2 completely different ppl

-rollercoaster ride (was getting sick, literally)

-his life was too chaotic leading him to be stress and depress, driving me up the wall

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My reasons


- we brought out the worst in eachother (I became someone I didnt like & wasn't happy with him)

- I lost all respect for him

- he never took responsiblitly for his life

- he never trusted me


his reasons


- I nag him/ ask too much of him

- I gave up on him

- rollercoaster ride

- i cheated on him (never did I but he always accused me)

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I would have to say the 3 main reasons were:


- Different stages of maturity.

- Emotional and physical abuse brought on by the fact that he refused to get his bipolar disorder in line (refused to take his meds)

- I lost all respect for him


He's now married to a girl 18 years younger than he is. He treats her like $&%$ and cheats on her (in hindsight, I imagine he cheated on me, too, but I never suspected it while we were married). He preyed on this poor girl and trapped her - she has VERY low self-esteem.

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Ah well, it's been a long while since my last breakup now but, I can have a go at it


1) He was selfish, egotistical, sometimes rather cruel and unapologetic for anything. Not that he would admit it...oh, well he would say he was "stubborn". I make him sound horrible, he really isn't, just has a lot of maturing to do. If he ever does.


2) I was not his "one". Which is fine, he was not mine either!


3) Breaking up was better than being dragged on in limbo forever.


4) I slowly lost confidence and self esteem as a result of that relationship.


5) He was a mean drunk, though he thought he was hilarious. Unfortunately he liked to drink quite a lot. He never outgrew his frat boy mentality.


7) We were very different people, in very different places in our life.


And last but definitely NOT least - If we had not broken up, I would never have met the absolutely spectacular man I am with now, whom is everything my ex wasn't (positively!) and much, much more.

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aww good for you ray! i'm very happy that you've found someone much better. thats an inspiration to all of us loners [for time-being] out there. haha.


If there is one thing I learned Allie in my still-rather-short life, when one door closes, another one opens. Life is what you make of it, and if you get the strength to move forward through that new door, good things await.

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1.I beileved that she truly loved me and she believed that she could take me for granted, we were strong believers


2.Though i know she was cheating on me and lied to me regularly, i did not confront her and she took my silence to be my weakness.


3.Having worked my way up and paying for my college degree i knew the importance of money while she was born with a silver spoon.


As one of my friends put it" why were u serious about the realtionship , u shud ve let it go" . I ask u all a question .isn't there someone special worth giving it all up for?


since when have love n commitment lost their significance, i m sure all of us here who are suffering are doing so because they were truthful, honest and sincere about the relationship,well if this is what it ends up in than i d rather no be a relatinship


i m really sorry , i got carried away.i hope my reasons are good enuf

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hey allie


i sure hope u r right, anyway the very fact that i took time thinking up the reasons is proof enuf that she no longer is important to me as a person.


Irony of life, isn't it, u have someone who u love the most and after a while u hate em the most.





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