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Should I resign the lease with her?

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Well those of you who have read my previous posts know want's going on in my relationship. If you don't and interested you can look it up... Today we have an appointment with our leasing office to resign the lease at 5 pm after I get off from work. However, I don't have 100% feeling that I want to do that... In the past 2 weeks we have been getting alone pretty well and things have been going better between us. Last night we went out got a few drinks and she got somewhat drunk. We had a very minor misunderstanding about the turn I had to make to get to the light, she told me to go one way and it was wrong, also I had to turn around, I got a bit mad about that and apologized for saying something stupid (nothing bad I said at all). When we got home she started to get upset with me about that whole things and started to bring up things that we have been fighting about before. And then again she tells me that she doesn't feel the same way about me as she did before. However, she said if I keep treating her good (as she calls it) she will feel the same way again, she said she doesn't know. She has been avoiding fighting I think because we are about to sign another lease, I think. I also feel like I'm being used... So what should I do, so I tell her that we can't leave together anymore, because I think she don't love me anymore, she is just using me as a room mate? Please some suggestions...

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wow! now I read your story!


I agree with ALL the other posters, dump her now! it seems that she is fooling around on you behind your back and has all sorts of crazy stories why you can't be somewhere and where she was and the hickey.....???? what else do you need?


kick her to the curb. DO NOT sign that lease with her unless you are looking for another year of heartache.

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No, no no, and I did I say no? Do NOT sign that lease. If you know you are not into the relationship anymore and in your heart, you know it is over, DO NOT SIGN IT!!!!


I did the same stupid thing. I knew it was over with my ex and I signed another YEAR lease with him. This was in August 2005 After we broke up in December 2005, it got ugly. I had to hire an attorney to get out of it. It is such a hassle and very stressful. Perhaps, worst case scenario, sign a short lease to give you time to find another place and sort things out. Please, please...do not renew it if you can help it. Re-check your lease about breaking it, what the conditions are and how much it will cost if you do. My place, it cost one month's rent, plus another month's rent. So like $2800. Get out now while the getting is good. Good luck.

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I beg you, throw her out or do not renew your lease. Being deadlocked in a lease with someone you do not love anymore OR the person not treating you right is pure HELL!!! It is very stressful, costs a ton of money to back out of and you want to keep your good name with the leasing company. A girl treating you like this is NOT worth it. She is riding your coattails. Push her off once and for all.

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As someone familiar with your backstory....ABSOLUTELY DO NOT SIGN THE LEASE!


Whom is she to tell you that if "you keep treating her good maybe her feelings will come back". What a manipulative greedy witch! She is fooling around on you hon, and you absolutely should NOT fall for it. She is using you.


Get out now while you have the chance, take it as a chance for a new beginning.

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Cute band Rat,


Yes, I am VERY adament about it because I have first hand knowledge about it, the same thing happened to me. I remember how alwful and stressful it was. I would not wish that on anyone. Plus, I am very familiar with SafePlay's back story.

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What???? Suggestions??? My suggestion is do NOT sign it. I am sorry, I am a bit biased on this and your history with her is appauling. I cannot find in my good conscience to support this in any way my friend. If you sign a lease with her tonight, you are asking for more hurt and pain. This is your chance to end this once and for all. This is your golden opportunity...do not miss it.


Tell her you are not signing the lease tonight. That you want and deserve better and what ever she decides is what she decides. You want no part of it. I suggest you git-r-done and look for another place to live....NOW!!!

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Oh no, dude, I know exactly how you feel. Believe me I do. I was in same place you are now a year ago. Please, please tell her now. You have plenty of time to find another place. Even though you do not renew the lease, you do not have to be out tomorrow. You have until the end of September. Start looking now. This girls lies to you, verbally and emotionally abuses you, and is cheating on you most likely. Have some self-respect for yourself man. Leave her. Why wait? Do you think this is going to magically fix itself by then? Why do you want to be with a sleazy moocher like your GF? Don't you think you deserve better. She is using you man and you are letting her.


If I were you, do not renew it tonight. This matter will NOT go away, unless YOU DO something about it.

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Just tell her you are not renewing it, you have thought long and hard but you are no longer going to continue this relationship as not only is she admittedly no longer "feeling it" but you have big concerns about the relationship as a whole and no longer wish to be together, never mind live together.


Then start looking for a new place ASAP to move out by September. I would not sign it, because breaking it will be much harder (and more costly in some cases depending on law where you live)than just not signing it. Here leases are easier to end, when I ended mine early as I was moving I just had to pay $40 as an assignment fee and easily sublet it out to someone. But it seems in many cases you look at big fees if you do it. Much easier to NOT renew and look for a new place!

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The next thing you should do is cancel your appointment with your leasing agent for this evening and tell him/her you are not renewing it and have it in writing, have a copy for you and a copy for your leasing agent. Then talk to your girlfriend and let her know you do not want to renew the lease with HER. You are tired of being treated worse than dog poo and that you deserve better. And that's that. Perhaps stay with a friend for a few days. But before that, get all your vaulables and anything important to you, anything with a lot of sentimental value out of there before you leave for a few days. Anything else are just THINGS. They can be replaced. If your girlfriend wants to renew the lease, she is certainly welcome to but the leasing office would probably have to run her credit and redraw the papers for her name only. Take a stand man. This is your life and staying there with her will just be miserable.

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