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I did it... I'm going solo tomorrow

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Well everyone after a couple of really bad flights I passed my solo checkride today and I am booked into doing my first SOLO cross country flight tomorrow, oh I'm so scared I will get lost and crash lol... Just kidding, it's all good!


Wish me luck, I will try and post a few pictures up tomorrow



I think my nerves were holding me back, but when I learned to just relax and fly the aeroplane everything goes so much smoother



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It is a great aircraft to fly, although it handles a lot heavier than a cessna ... and it's a little overpowered!


I'm going out partying tonight, don't worry... I don't drink and fly


There is no restriction on how much pilots can drink, only time limits hehe!

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Hey.. congrats man!!



A year ago, I was in school to gain my commercial helicopter pilots lisense. I finished all the ground school, law exams etc... but unfortunately had to stop my training as the flight hours were just too expensive. ($800 Canadian per hour requireing 100 hours of flight time). I still have dreams of what it would be like to fly solo.


Keep up the good work, and never let go of that dream. The day you earn your wings will be one of the proudest days of your life!


Safe flying...





*edit* anyone have $80,000 burning a hole in their pocket to sponsor a future pilot ???? lol. Damn it hurts when dreams crash and burn.

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Well good luck with everything, youll have adrenaline flowing through you for hours afterwards!


Slightly different, but i remember my first time solo in a glider, scary till you start moving then all good after that. Starting a course on the Grob Tutor soon, hwere you go solo at the end, and all paid for by the ATC!


Good luck


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Hey.. congrats man!!



A year ago, I was in school to gain my commercial helicopter pilots lisense. I finished all the ground school, law exams etc... but unfortunately had to stop my training as the flight hours were just too expensive. ($800 Canadian per hour requireing 100 hours of flight time). I still have dreams of what it would be like to fly solo.


Keep up the good work, and never let go of that dream. The day you earn your wings will be one of the proudest days of your life!


Safe flying...





*edit* anyone have $80,000 burning a hole in their pocket to sponsor a future pilot ???? lol. Damn it hurts when dreams crash and burn.



I really know that that feels like. Over here the going rate for helicopter pilot training starts at around $400AU per hour, the price is just astronomical compared to fixed wing flying... Then again choppers have to be serviced every ten hours because everything is relying on the "Jesus nut"


I truly hope that one day you come by the finances to finishes of your rotor training. I know several flying students who did all their fixed wing theory, but had to put the flying on hold for up to a year because they just didn't have the cash, and they were very capable pilots. Aviation isn't a government subsidised industry either, everyone has to make it their own way, that is of course unless they choose an aviation career via the military.


There is nothing in the world that matches the feeling of ironing your uniform, putting on your wings and epaulettes and then walking out the door with your flight back with everybody looking at you as they drive past. I just couldn't believe it.


Thank you everyone for you posts, I will do my best to get the photographs up sometime tomorrow evening.




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