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can you tell?

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Is there a way to tell whether a girl is single or in a relationship? One of my female friends asked me this and i said no but she said another male friend of hers said it is easy to tell.


Personally, I cant tell since it seems most girls I become interested in have boyfriends. Is there a certain way they act?

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Nope. Not that I know of...As a woman I don't think we act any particular way if we have bfs or don't. Best way is just to ask someone that knows the girl you happen to be interested in at the time. Or it might come up in conversation. Aside from that, you can't tell.

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Not that I know of.


That's kind of funny that your friend's friend said he can easily tell.

It's like one of my male friends that said that he can tell if a girl's a virgin or not by looking at the way she walks!! LOL.


Anyway, there's no sure way to tell. You have to ask and even then, you might not get a straight answer because it depends on her interest in you. =)

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I think you just have to ask!


(PS - but do check her left hand, ring finger, look for a wedding or engagement ring! Or right hand if you are in certain areas of europe)



Oh boy, did I learned that the hard way...



Now that is the first thing I check if a girl gets my attention, learnt the lesson very well.

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One thing I have noticed is that people in relationships tend to mention their boyfriends or girlfriends in conversations. If they haven't mentioned one by the 2nd or 3rd conversation, then they most likely are single. I don't know if this is true for everyone..but it's been true for all the people I have met in college. Most of them actually mentioned their SO in the first conversation.

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One thing I have noticed is that people in relationships tend to mention their boyfriends or girlfriends in conversations. If they haven't mentioned one by the 2nd or 3rd conversation, then they most likely are single. I don't know if this is true for everyone..but it's been true for all the people I have met in college. Most of them actually mentioned their SO in the first conversation.


I think this is true most of the time, I am certainly like that... I know one guy I worked side by side with, he NEVER mentioned his wife.... I didn't know until I worked with him for 5 months and I heard somebody say something about his wife. Incidentally, he never wore a wedding ring and he was cheating on his wife (I saw it with my own eyes! )


however... there have been plenty of people who come here on eNotalone like, "ummm..... I've been talking to this girl for 3 months, and she just told me she has a boyfriend!"

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I hardly mention a boyfriend (if I have one at the time) in regular conversation unless someone asks me or brings up something directly related. I know some people who just seem to metion their bfs or gfs randomly in conversations or say stuff like "oh, you live in ____? My boyfriend lives there too." I don't do stuff like that cause I don't really feel like using random things as an excuse to metion that I am dating someone, if i am at the time. I think sometimes that can get a bit silly and when I see others do it it actually makes me a bit weirded out because I'm thinking "okay...that is not really relevant," (yes, even when I have no romantic interest in the person at all or if they are female) and I find it a bit odd and wonder why they feel the need to mention it when there is no context.


So I wouldn't assume it would come up in regular conversation. Or maybe I'm just really weirdly private

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