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I think he's going to finish it!???!??

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I had a stupid argument with my boyfriend on tuesday about booking a dinner reservation,




I put the phone down on him because he was shouting at me and I was at work. Yes I know it was immature but he was so mad at me and has ignored me since. I tried to call later to resolve the bad vibes but he would not pick up the phone and there is only so much you can text! I can't believe he still hasn't called, I decided to play him at his own game as I always contact him but I have a really bad feeling that this is so much more to this and I am going crazy (probably his plan).


I thought we were happy, however he always gets in moods and is diffilcult after and he knows it bothers me and I have aked him not to do it. The thing is we never fight over anything big. I do worry as he does keep it all inside.


After people telling me to leave it for a while, let him cool. So I did, but after 2 days I have texted him to say that we should talk. He has not replied, I feel really horrible and have that just been dumped, sick feeling. It just seems so unfair as Its obviously not just because I slammed the phone down yet he won't allow me an explaination.


How can someone who tells me he loves me on monday just totally ignore me. I feel stupid for texting but I wanted to stop the games and just know where I stand. Any advice on moody men would be greatly appreciated!


I hate the ignoring game, who's gonna crack first, jeeze we can be so cruel to each other!


Thanks X

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If he were posting his side of the story on here, what do you think he would say about how he feels over anything you have done? Be as objective as you can.


Doing that may give you a better idea about how to proceed.

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Ok I'll try


I think he would say that I am not being helpful towards him and that me doing things like slamming down the phone infuriates him. I am sure he will say that he is stressed out because of work its very busy and he has to go away in two weeks. That everything is up in the air and he doesn't need me to throw a strop. He won't think that he deserved the phone slammed on him and that he didn't want an argument as its a stressful time. I think he thinks that I will add to the stress.


I am aware of his stresses but sometimes in the heat of the moment this happens but he is just so black and white! I hoped he would share the stress with me but he doesn't seem to want to. There is no give, he is like thats it, cut off!


I just want to clear a bad situation, say it was silly and I'm there for you.

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When my girl is playing games and generally being a pain in the as$. I can't be bothered with that crap I give her time to figure it out. If she needs my help or support she can ask for it like anyone else in my life. I don't yell and act all crazy when trying to talk to her. It's not too much to ask the same from her.


If I were you I would not call him at all wait for him to call. This time maybe he will like and adult.

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I am cra* at waiting but he is obviously stressed out. He did reply an hour ago saying he had so much stress at work and he has to prepare for his trip to Panama, he is studying frogs and snakes. I didn't realise he was that stressed, he never mentioned it to me, actually I assumed he was looking forward to it. I think he's nervous but he'd never admit that. he claims that 'people' are being unhelpful, I am assume that includes me.


The bottom line is he doesn't want to speak to me now he said we'd speak at the weekend if he gets everything done. It seems to from his text that I am adding to the stress. Any way it doesn't look good, I am upset that he is leaving it to the weekend. I replied ok and that I would back off, I said I regretted the stupid row and that I didn't realise he was under stress.


He knows Im worried about us and chooses to leave me in limbo, this upsets me, I don't know how he can be so black and white.

This all seems so pointless but he feels i am unsympathetic, I worry he'll come to the conclusion that he can't deal with a relationship a the moment and just end it then go accross the world!

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