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Right now I'm waiting for Ian to finish getting dressed and then he's taking me right to the hospital.


My entire body feels like it's numb and I can barely lift my arms and legs.


I have no idea what's going on.


I have never been so scared in my entire life.

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Ian just called her and they're leaving as soon as they get their stuff packed up.


He's running around like a maniac trying to find his shoes and he told me to do not move because he doesn't want me trying to walk.


I started feeling weird like an hour ago but all of a sudden, I felt really weak and my vision was going fuzzy and then normal again and it just feels like it's taking so much strength to move at all. I feel like my entire body is spinning but he keeps telling me I'm not.


To put the feeling this way, it feels like an acid trip gone bad. It's not though, I've been clean for a year now.


Okay, we're leaving. I'll let you know what's going on as soon as I get home or whatever. Or I'll have him post on here if I'm in the hospital or something.

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I honestly have no idea how I ate one. I don't go into anaphalactic (I know that's definitely spelled wrong) shock or anything life threatening from them. Basically, the easy way to put it is that I get the "high" of special mushrooms from ALL mushrooms. If I eat gravy or something that had mushrooms in it but I picked them out, I can still easily go into a reaction from them.


I should have realized the feeling soon after I felt it but I have no idea why I didn't realize thats what it was. I started freaking out because I felt like half numb and was seeing things and just woke up Ian and his first reaction was that there was something wrong with the baby and then he had me upset thinking there was something seriously wrong.


I don't think I was ever so scared in my entire life. My son is the center of my world now even though he's not even born yet. Since the first time I felt him move inside of me, I fell in complete love with him and he'll always be the #1 person in my entire life (I don't know if I want anymore kids yet lol).

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