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Going on a date tomorrow

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Tricky question if you put it up for discussion... In my experience I have only been on one first date where the guy did not pay. The date was horrible and he still thought I would have sex with him (lol). In any case, if a guy invited you out and he's really interested he'll pay before you even have a chance to offer to split it. Just my opinion of course...

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Offer to pay for yourself.If he refuses then he is a gentleman.Even if he doesnt pay for you doesnt mean he isnt a gentleman.he may just be low on cash.


If he was low on cash he wouldnt be offering to take her to a $10 movie...


I think the guy should pay!!!!


It wouldn't really be a "date" otherwise, in my opinion... that is like me and one of my guy friends going out for lunch or something where we each pay for ourselves...

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He should pay.


I usually buy tickets in advance to avoid this issue. I "dated" a girl who actually bought her own ticket even after learning i had paid for her, i was irrationally angry and took a bathroom break (from which i never returned) 20 minutes into the (horrible) movie. I still chuckle when i think about her taking the bus home....

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Haha... Slacker.. that is MEAN.. you left here there!!! Did you ever talk to her again or hear what she thought of you after???


Yeah, as a guy, I usually offer to pay but it is usually something small like a drink or a coffee... I don't take out girls for dinner on a first date. I wouldn't go to a movie on a first date either....


But, I would get your wallet out and go to pay.... If he wants to pay for you, he will likely say "2 tickets for superman" and when you go to get your wallet out he will say "that's okay.. I got it this time" or whatever!

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Pay for the movie. Act like you already discussed that you would pay for the movie. Make it clear that you are paying for the movie. If she offers to pay, just politely decline and tell her you're paying. If she insists to chip in or pay, I would say that is rare and also strange.

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hey guys thanks for the replies. to follow up, he did pay for the movie tickets. but i went ahead and paid for the popcorn and drinks. he didn't want me to, but i was real insistent. it was an ok date, i would have preferred to go somewhere where we could talk and get to know each other a little better. so far it seems like he just wants to get in my pants, so i don't know, but i might be seeing him again sunday.

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