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How to treat a lady?

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Ok, I read some of the posts saying that you don't like it when guys open doors, pay for dinner, etc, etc.


How is a guy supposed to know that? Don't get me wrong. I believe in communication and sorting things out regarding how things should be done, but what we're talking here are fine details.


Even if I went on a first date I'd do that, because that's what guys are supposed to do, and generally it is expected by the girl. I mean if I don't open the door I'd feel guilty and make myself seem selfish, right?

But on the other hand doing these things might make a guy seem fake in a way?


Well, I usually tell the guy - nicely - that I'm not that kind of person, right away. They usually understand. However, I don't usually hang out with these kinda polite guys anyways Maybe in more future time, when I'm older and sutff, I would apreciate that, but not today.

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I'd recommend "How to Succeed with Women" by Ron Louis and David Copeland, they give lots of information and insights, on how women like to be treated - some people consider it old style as the 'cocky and funny' stuff seems to be the in thing now, but the book goes into detail on the 'little things' that make a difference in a seduction.

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