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hey guys, its been a while since i last posted here. im really messed up at the moment. my ex boyfriend wont stop playing these mind games on me and im getting fed up of them.


i am trying to move on with my life but he seems hell bent on reminding me that we were together at one time. its been over two months since the split and i am getting there slowly but its still progress. three weeks ago i got a text message from him which was 'accidental' and it was to a girl and he added 'you looked great'. i deleted it and thought nothing of it but then i got another text message two days ago and this time it was for 'gaz' saying he was going to jen's house that night. Its funny how every text message of his that got sent to me mentioned a girl's name. im not gonna lie those texts hurt me - but i felt the best thing to do was not to respond - i was not going to give him the satisfaction of letting him know that he had got to me but i dont know how much more of this i can take - this is the sixth time he has contacted me since the split, even if some of it is indirect it still counts.


my cousin works with him and she is gonna confront him tomorrow about it - in front of all my former work mates. she seems to think its his turn to be humiliated as he did the same to me when i couldnt be there to defend myself. i dont know if that is a good idea. he has given everyone this idea that i am after him but i have kept strict NC since the split but my silence doesnt seem to get through to him. what do you guys think? why do you think he is doing this? i am confused but ive been told it is because he misses me and is not over me but by doing this he wants me to make the first move by contacting him - i dont know anymore, i think he seems to be getting some sort of sick pleasure out of this. any advice or opinions will be great.

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its easer said than done - you'd think my silence would be a very big hint for him but he doesnt seem to give up. it is selfish of him to do this to me, if he is having trouble getting over us then it is something that he has to deal with himself but he is dragging me down with him. if silence doesnt do anything then maybe this will. i am scared however that it will get out of hand - i am not sure, i still love him but if he loved me he would leave me alone right?

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My ex did something like that. He's the one that dumped me too!. He cheated on me and left me for this girl, and 6 months into their relationship I started getting prank phone calls from unblocked numbers. Found out the numbers belonged to his buddies. He also called my phone one night and left a message that was "intended" for someone else. What a loser.

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its daft that he is doing this, i want him to leave me alone and i dont think that he 'loves' me. if he thinks after all the insults and humiliation he put me through that i am gonna take him back he has got another thing coming! - i dont think he is getting attention anywhere else so he sees me as a consolation prize and a lot of people agree with me. i didnt think i would hate anyone as much as i hate him - i loved him soo much and i just wish he would move on and let me do the same.

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omg...you know...my ex cheated on me too and left me for another girl AND he also has cheated on me in the past and NOW i've realized this. They are selfish...people that cheat. The only reason why they hold on to YOU is because they want everything for themselves and deep down, they don't want to share you with anyone. My ex left me like 4 weeks ago, and I found out on myspace that he had been cheating on me. I hope he doesn't start bothering me once school starts. UGH....

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yeah i am trying my best - i am sticking to NC and i dont intend to break it. the funny thing is he split up with me and he wants me to feel guilty about it. i am gonna be brave and stick with my current number - he is bound to get bored eventually right?

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well i discovered yesterday that my ex has got a new gf - that destroyed me. my cousin did confront him about the texts n he sed 'did i? dont know why i have still kept her number' - no apology no nothing. im finding it hard to believe he has moved on soo quickly n the fact that he is soo arrogant that he couldnt admit that he sent those texts. everyone i have told have agreed that those texts were deliberate but i fail to understand why he is doing this if he is seeing someone else. hopefully he will leave me alone now.

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i was on msn last night but i had the msn messenger page closed and i didnt know that my ex was on. i saw something flash at the bottom and it was my ex and i just thought 'uh oh' and opened it.


apparently it wasnt my ex but his friend who was on his msn and he lets her use it because they know the same people - i find that a bit hard to believe. anyway the first thing his 'friend' asked me was if i still hated my ex. i asked why and she said that he was very upset for leaving me and felt he had let me down and thought i hated him for it. i said that i have moved on and i dont have any complaints. i talked to my other friends and they think it was him pretending to be his 'friend' - i dont know anymore, mind you after all he has done i wouldnt put it past him. i had deleted him from my msn but i forgot to block him and he knows whenever i am online. i said back to his 'friend' that i have moved on and that i have no complaints against him.

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