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Power of Life


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So it all starts with a first meeting and ends with the last meeting.

Where does love all begin and the hate starts.

You trust someone and they betray you

You give power to someone over your life and they deceive you farther

You let someone in so close to your heart and they break it into tiny pieces

You ask for reassurance and the world walks away.


So where does it all lead to?

Where does a person start moving past the pain?

How does a person wipe their tears and move away from a place where there is nothing to gain?

When do you say enough is enough?

As you cry and hurt over pain depression falls over you and nothing you ever do makes you smile. Friends try, friends struggle but nothing ever gets accomplished because the happiness they want to see on your lips needs to come from inside you.


You start isolating yourself from people because you can no longer deal with other people's emotions. You lay there restlessly not wanting to eat or sleep. Your sense of humor, your self esteem is down in the drain. As you look past your family you often find yourself alone and scared of starting your life fresh. You remember of the past and what it used to be could have been as tears slip down your cheeks you quickly run to hide them afraid people will judge you as some crazy person.


One day you wake up and look through your old dreams and passions before you met the love of your life. It suddenly dawns on you that there is so much more to life then the box that you closed yourself around. You get motivated, you want help, and you find it. As days pass the pain lessens you start laughing again and you are even more aware of the typical hurtful guys around you.


Then suddenly you do something that you never thought you would. You get up early and thank God for letting you go through the pain and aches for the couple of years. You thank him because you grew close to him by being close to yourself. You start finding beauty in the smallest things around you once again, you start loving yourself and befriending your own self besides other people. Once you are solid within yourself you attract only positive people and walk away from all the negativity you left behind!

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