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I'm friends with this girl. We use to be friends with benefits after she had a break up, but I ended the benefits part cause it seemed like she was ready to date again, but not date me. We stopped talking for a while, then we started talking again and we went back to being friends, no benefits. I was dating someone (not anymore) when we started talking again and so was she. So just like friends do, I told her about who I was dating and I told her about our relationship. She use to tell me how sweet the things I did for her was. She told me about the guy she was dating. Told me she likes him, but he's far away and she doesn't want to be in a long distance relationship. She said when he comes back to visit her (June 23rd), she's going to talk to him about that. That was, 2 weeks ago. We haven't talked since....., until today. She calls me... WHILE SHE'S WITH HIM! She's out with him and I guess when he stepped away for a sec, she calls me up for about 3 or 4 minutes asking me how I'm doing and crap like that. I ask her how's it going with the dude and she says, "ok" and that she hasn't talked to him about the long distance thing yet. I'm not really interested in having a relationship with this girl. I'd just like to know.... WHY WOULD SHE CALL ME WHEN SHE'S OUT WITH ANOTHER GUY?!??!???! Especially when we haven't talked in 2 weeks.....

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Because girls don't make sense. She probably actually wants you but you didn't let her know you want her (if in fact you do)...or she just wants more sex...maybe this guy isn't making her sexually attracted to him.


I have a lil' story to tell you.


I dated this girl for about two months, we broke up and i still don't know the reason lol, but when I stopped calling her and acting all depressed, she showed up at my house one day and stayed over just to sleep with me. Then just recently I began to talk to and hang out with this girl and she said she didn't want a relationship and that she's in love with a dude in another state and i guess she also loves another guy in another state lol, but she still sleeps with me. She would say stuff like "I really like you but I don't love you" and stuff like that right out of the blue.


Women...you gotta love 'em. lol

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When we were friend with benefits, and she was ready to date again, I ASKED her if she would like to date to see where it goes and she said, "Nah, we're just friends." So now what...., she changed her mind?


I would probably have sex with her again if the opportunity came up again. But after she passed up on dating me the first time, I don't think I would give her a second chance at me. I think I would feel second best. Like, she couldn't get that guy, so now she's going after me...

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Everybody needs stability in their lives.....something or someone that they can fall back on.....Someone they know that will always be there for them when the Chips are down....


I'm sure in her case it is you.....She knows you will always be there for her to cheer her up or give her support whenever she needs it......


She didn't contact you for 2 weeks...i'm sure during most of that time, she didn't 'Need' anything from you...by Need, I mean support or just someone to talk to. Maybe she misses you or maybe as you said she is having problems with the longterm thing and needs a good opinion as what to do...so she called you.....

If this situation where she may go weeks with contacting you doesn't bother you..then I wouldn't worry about it...But if it does....talk to her about it......


You yourself said that you aren't interested in having a relationship with her and you yourself have a girlfriend.......In that case, i'd just Chill and accept her as a friend who isn't to good at keeping in touch, but a friend none the less....Good Luck Brother!

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She's a loser. She needs you or wants you right now. I wouldn't count on her sticking around or being a reliable emotional connection romantically.

How tasteless was that - calling while with the bf?!

What a dingbat. And she wasn't even smart enough to hide it from you.


that's what i think.

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A little more details...., she refers to him as a friend. Even though they're seeing each other and when he does visit, they do sleep together. But she won't say they're bf/gf because he's too far away. I guess thats why there's no need for her to hide it from me, but I'm sure she was hiding it from him. Oh, and someone said something about me having a gf. I don't. I was seeing someone, but not anymore.


I think I agree with the fall back thing that Mike said. But I don't think I really care. She's not a major part of my life anyway.

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Ok, no phone call yesterday...., but she calls me today when I'm on my lunch break. I probably didn't say more then ten words.... She tells me that she talked to him about the long distance thing. Since neither of them are going to move in the near future, she told him that it's best that this last week that he's in town should be the last time they see each other......... Then she goes on, and on, and on (and on) about how she KNOWS for sure now that she doesn't want to be with him. Stories about what the guy does to piss her off..., story, after story, after story...


One story is how she wanted to see this movie that he didn't want to see.... They ended up seeing a different movie altogether. She got pissed that he didn't swallow his pride and watch the movie with her. I'm tempted to take her to that movie and try something afterwards. But besides sex, I don't think I have an interest in this girl. Especially after this fiasco.


Sorry if this all seems like nonsense. I'm just trying to learn from this. In case anything else like this happens, I'll have a good idea of what the girl is thinking. Any extra input would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance!

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