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well hello people, not really here looking for advice....i guess i just wanted to get some stuff off my chest...


i hate talking to people about my private matter so thats why i have no one to vent to......


well here goes...


do u guys ever feel like love is blinding you? when the things you see, the things you hear, the things you know all points at one direction? and when the person that's so important to you looks at you in the eyes... and points to the other direct? it is absolutely killing me......


i don't know what to believe anymore, and who to believe....i love this girl so much, i want to believe what she tells me, especially when she seems so sincere, and tells me she is willing to fight for this relationship until the end....but my gut tells me she is lying straight to my face, and it is telling me that she is not as innocent as she makes herself to be when we're together, and she is definilty hiding something....


i don't want to let her go, but i have a feeling that i should because i just simply cannot put myself through the painful doubts anymore....i am so lost, for words and for thought....maybe if i start fresh i wont have to carry all this emotional baggage....i don't know....but i really love this girl too much to let it go.....ahggg...


sorry for the long rant.....you guys are probably kinda confused...sorry

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Hey backagain.


Your situation sounds very confusing. The best thing I can tell you to do is actually go to the girl and tell her that "I have a feeling that you're lying and that if you tell me lies in the future, I'm going to have to cut this relationship off because trust is supposed to be a major issue in a relationship."


I've pulled the whole "innocent" before and most guys have to live with it...but from what it sounds the girl is probably lying to you, I suggest either

a) what i said before...confronting her about it with a "break-up" [trust me, she'll get scared]

b) Take a break and completely ignore her till she comes begging because she will and etc...not a break-up sweetie, just a BREAK. so thats what i would suggest.


I hope you get better.


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I think you should always trusts your instincts and keep your eyes open. It usually happens that they will fall in their own lies and you will be there to see it !


A big red flag is feeling that the other person does not care for you in the same measure you care for them. So, pull away a bit and see what happens. Sometimes they come to you with more force...or they finish pulling away.

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Trust intuition. If you have the distinct gut feeling you are being lied to, you probably are. People can tell incredibly lies with a straight face, and with what appears to be complete sincerity. Your uneasiness and doubts are the result of you picking up on some "dishonest" vibe she is throwing off, and you're picking up on it.


Id tell her how you feel straight up, that something seems off, and see how she responds. If she becomes defensive, angry, tries to redirect with some random thing you have done, or starts accusing you of trying to start something, your suspicions are confirmed.



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An honest person will proudly assert their integrity. But people who are hiding something will most often try to redirect the "blame".


Trust is always the best policy for a successful relationship, you could express how you feel uneasy about the relationship... But do not blatetly call her a liar. If the conversation goes sour, remaln calm.


You never know, the feelings that you are picking up may not be what you first thought they were.

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u guys are awesome....


i really really really appreciate u guys' support, its funny how this is the real truth about people, willing to help each other at down times...


i truly don't know what to think.....i am naturally a very suspicious person, i already don't trust people easily...and i keep telling myself that this distrust of mine is the only thing thats acting up, and everything is really fine...


i have brought it up with her a few times, every time she always sit with me and talk through it...it gets really stressful....out of the many times i talked to her about it...she only got mad once....but i dunno....i just have this feeling....and this is the feeling that has gotten me out of alot of sticky situations before....but then there's love....the most powerful thing in this world....


u guys can probably relate to the struggle....*sigh*

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