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By the way why is heart associated with love??

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Ok this is an abstract question but I been wondering for a while now. You all use heart as referring to love or when say he/she's a nice warm person, why?? If it's just an organ (has no neurons), a part of our everyday functions. It's even display in symbol (on a ballon, in cards, letters, etc, even cupid). When it is nothing but an organ. Then the same phrases is heard "Oh listen to your heart, or "Oh he's/she's a person of golden heart. Instead of just saying "Listen with your brain".


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I think no matter what you believe in this is a very spiritual question. I can't answer it though, not really. I think with my brain, I feel with my heart.


If you've ever had your heart broken you don't feel it in your head. It very much feels like your heart is breaking.

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Because your brain, with all the neurons it has, still cant feel anything for itself.

When you undergo intense thought, you can get a headache

but when you feel intense emotion, you get a tight chest, possibly even palpitations and some people even suffer heart attacks.

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To me, heartbreak felt like a spear through my chest, an actual physical pain. After that, I had no doubt where the association came from. Then, when I fell in love, there was a warmth in my chest like a shot of brandy, but much sweeter.


That's my wussy 2 cents.

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True that, Slacker.


Intersting fact Ailec but the symbol for the heart doesn't actually originate as representing that thing in your chest. It originates as depicting the vulva.



And organs have traditionally always had connections to emotional states. For example, the heart is love, the spleen and the stomach courage.

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I read in a book something about chakras and how a heart chakra is the center of emotions and communication with others. It said that when you like/love someone there's a string of energy attached to the other persons chakra or energy center. breaking of heart is actually the string being torn.

I don't know if I can believe that but i like to think it's possible

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You got the beart break right...i felt more like it was torn in half....like a telephone book....



Yeah when love feels right it feels right..their is no mistaking it. Wjy the human heart is associated with love, Valentines and such is beyond me...


I like the suggestions and what others have found to explain why...

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