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The mp3 that saved me... literally

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"Many times god will not give you divine knowledge on who you are suppose to be with, but divine knowledge on who you are NOT supposed to be with"


many times i have seen the signs to let go in this relationship that we just ended..i prayed on it many times for God to show me the signs, and sure enough every time the 'signs' appeared to me, i found an excuse and ask for another sign....go figure!

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There are several good messages throughout the whole sermon... I have listened to it at least once a day since I got it. I can almost quote him verbatim now and believe me, it helped a lot.


Some phrases that stuck out, at least for me... I'm paraphrasing for sake of briefness


God will NOT make anyone love you.. you know why? Because I don't want him to make me love anybody!


You've been in pain so long, you don't know what it's like not to be in pain. You've become COMFORTABLE to the pain. That's NOT what love is, that's co-dependancy and anytime you have your dependancies on a person you have your dependancies in the wrong spot.


Many time God will not give you divine knowledge about who you ARE supposed to be with, but he'll give you divine knowledge about who you AREN'T supposed to be with... and that's just as good.


God can NOT send in the right as long as the space is being taken up with the wrong... you are blocking GOD cause you got some stuff in your world that ain't supposed to be there.


There are people that can walk away from you, and here me when I say this, when people can walk away from you, LET THEM WALK. Your destiny is NEVER tied to ANYONE who has left [you].


It doesn't mean that they are a bad person, it just means that their part in [your] story are over. And you've got to know when peoples part in your story is over so you don't keep trying to raise the dead.


I know whatever God means for me to have he'll give it to me, and if takes too much sweat, I don't need it. Stop begging people to stay. Let them go.




be safe all

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Thanks so much for the MP3.


many times i have seen the signs to let go in this relationship that we just ended..i prayed on it many times for God to show me the signs, and sure enough every time the 'signs' appeared to me, i found an excuse and ask for another sign....go figure!


HangingInThere: What an awesome post. I prayed for so long and still did not do anything when he did show me. Even when we treated each other so poorly, I still did nothing.


I sometimes think that even though, the wrong person might have been there, it may be that the wrong person was there, to help you be "right".

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That was incredible.... He has... inspired me....


I feel much better. He even used my often used analogy of grief/NC as withdrawal from a drug addiction(I know use that a lot, but it makes me feel strong).


I agree. We all have to suffer sometimes even when we don't want to. It's part of life. Just because one person said "no" doesn't mean our life stops. We have to move on and find new purposes or people to become part of our lives before we can truly love again. On as complete people can be lead full lives.


This guy is good.

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  • 1 year later...

This is truly WONDERFUL, and you don't need to be a Christian to follow it. He's advocating NC, and everything that we are discussing here. The line that hit me the most is the line from the bible, WEEPING MAY ENDURE IN THE NIGHT, BUT JOY COMETH IN THE MORNING. I know my morning will come soon.

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Omg...i think i got a spiritual attack.or i have very deluding thoughts after i rest on the bed while listening to the sermon.


I saw an image of my EX in the coffin. I am so sad and helpless that i eventually went to her and hold up her hands and cried "I LOVE YOU, DEAR, WHY LEAVE ME. SORRY THAT I COULDNT TAKE CARE OF YOU..PLS DON LEAVE ME."


Omg.. i was deciding if i should put away the ring and the above thoughts come so true into me..so scary..so unnatural..the image is so vivid.


I was a church goer and thus we often label this thoughts as a spiritual attack as i will keep you down. I never enjoyed so much freedom before until i heard this sermon and i wanted to recouncil with my wife.


But holy..then the thoughts flood in...i am having a tough fight...

can someone pm me..i never such a tough fight...oh my God, help me..

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  • 1 month later...

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