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I seem to have heard a lot recently about online and emotional cheating and I'm now wondering if I did it. I had two LDR, one with my boyfriend the other with a friend, I never met my friend in person but before I started a relationship with my now ex I used to speak to my friend in a very intimate way, not sexual, but I called him "my dear" or "sweetness" and the like. When I got a boyfriend I asked my friend if it bothered him that I called him things and he said he didn't, but I stopped anyway, except from time to time I did call him gorgeous and the like, he did the same. My boyfriend knew of this friendship, he knew there was some "exhange of compliments" going on but I never told him I fancied my friend, I was with my boyfriend after all by my own choice, and I never used my friend to complain about my bf or for emotional support, my friend, however, did use me for that but I didn't mind because I had all my needs met by my boyfriend. I apologise if it sounds complicated, but I would like opinions, do you think it was considered cheating?. I've always been "overly friendly" with certain people, but never with an interest of getting a response, for example, I told my bf his dad, brother and sister were gorgeous but I of course wasn't interested in dating them, is it wrong?.

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my big rule is to avoid even the appearance of evil, it's not a rule for everyone though, it could be quite hard for some people to live by.


however, if you feel guilty, you were probably doing something you know you shouldn't have been doing.


think of it this way "how would I feel if my sig. other did the same thing?" if the answer is "not good" then you probably shouldn't do it.

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Thank you very much for your answers. But, the bf wouldn't have said if he didn't like the friendship I had or my comments, he encouraged me to be open about things, even if he didn't like them. As for feeling guilty I didn't, that's why I wondered if I should. The different points of view are very helpful, thanks again.

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