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How to ask someone on a date?

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I don't know how many of you have seen the breakup but there is a scene where a guy asks Jennifer Anniston out by simply saying "I hope this is not to forward but would you like to go to dinner with me"

I thought it was a good way to ask someone on a date. What do you think? Any suggestions? What do the girls think?

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it's hard to find fault with such a simple and straightforward question.


however, i'm more comfortable using my own words and winging it when asking a girl out. canned lines tend to sound like... canned lines.


From a girl's perspective, I agree with Slightlybent's point. But it does seem like a pretty good plan B line.

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And sometimes saying it in the form of a statement and a question is a good idea. For instance, saying something like (in your own words of couse) "Hey, I'm going to Starbucks tomorrow around 1:00. Want to join me?"


It's direct, but it's not threatening (or so it seems). I don't know, but sometimes I think mixing in your own personal flavor can show that you're more authentic than the average guy. Asking her out that way may not be your style, so if it doesn't sound natural to you, don't use that approach. Just be natural. And it's cliche, but be yourself.


And if she declines, no biggie. There plenty of fish in the sea.


Also, I wouldn't rely on movie lines. It's all scripted, and sometimes the question seems off the wall, but because it's a film, she would say yes (or no).

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The ideal first date is somewhere casual where you can get to know each other. Going to a movie theater and watching something on screen without being able to talk is kind of counter productive, isn't it? I mean, I could see that as being a great venue for future dates, but the first date is usually more conversation-based.


I went on a date with this girl a few weeks ago at a low-key sushi place. Casual, calm, but not cheesy. She told me she liked sushi, so it was an ideal first date spot. A first date shouldn't last more than an hour or two. You're just getting to get to know each other; getting a feel for each other and seeing if you have the right vibe. If you plan to only spend an hour so, it's not as bad as having an entire afternoon planned if it goes downhill fast.

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dinner dont work man a treid that with a girl she laught lol dont do it movies make goed first dates or a fair k


no way. No movies. What can you do at movies? Sit next to her and stare at the silver screen. Do you think that's good interaction for you and your date? You need to go somewhere where you can talk, like coffee. Plus, coffee it's cheap, you can easily get out if the date is bad etc....

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