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Dry sex and such

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So... this may be a bit personal and a TMI question, but if I'm on my period..can/should my boyfriend and I have dry sex if I'm wearing a tampon? Also, him fingering me is out... right? 'cause I think that would just be weird. Thanks for answering!

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Its not recommended to have sex whilst on a period, I have never done it but from what I have heard it can be quite messy and can cause various amounts of pain afterwards to some ladies. Don't worry though its only once a month and you can always hug and kiss.

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There is nothing wrong with having sex whilst on a period. It is ENTIRELY down to personal preference.


If you want him to finger you, wearing a tampon isn't a good idea - you'd have a job to fit both his fingers and the tampon there!


You could have dry sex with a tampon in but it might be uncomfortable if it gets pushed around inside you from the pressure he exerts on you. Why not just take the tampon out, do whatever you want on a towel or in the shower if you dislike mess, and put a tampon in afterwards?

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I don't know about that. IT's been my experience that the ladies are much more sensitive down there during that time, thereforeeee it feels better for the most part and you can always use lube if you want. It is messy and you will have to remove the tampon, at least the girls I've done that with always did. They always seemed to like it.

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You can have sex during your period (um without tampon in!). It depends on personal preferences. If you do it in a shower, it can be much cleaner, otherwise a towel under you works well.


During your period, as long as you are not worried about it, women tend to also be more sensitive, and have more powerful orgasms. Also, helps reduce cramps! I have never heard of it causing more pain or being discouraged.


But remember, you STILL need to use protection/birth control, as you can still get pregnant if you ovulate earlier then you "think" you could.

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The poster is asking about dry sex while on her period with a tampon in, which I interpret to mean with clothes on, dry humping. Hopefully, someone contemplating penetration sex would have enough knowledge to know that they should not keep their tampon in!


I would think it wouldn't matter that much if you were having dry sex while on your period with a tampon in. You have the clothing barrier and there's no penetration since you are wearing a tampon. Since women are more sensitve around that time of the month then it might feel good.


Fingering could be very messy during your period. If it goes beyong your comfort level with your boyfriend, then don't do it. If you do decide to get fingered, just remember to take the tampon out!

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Like the others said, it's all about your feelings about it.


Some girls aren't comfortable with the idea of a guy putting his hands down there for obvious reasons, but then sometimes, guys aren't comfortable with the idea either.


But then of course, both of you could be open to trying.. and maybe you will enjoy it. That's where you need to talk to your boyfriend about how he feels about it and if he would be up for trying.


Like it was said, depending on how heavy/light your period is, it can get messy so make sure you have a towel down.

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If fingering you didn't involve penetration with his fingers then i don't think that matters too much if it's done while you're on your period with a tampon in. I personally don't like it because it doesn't feel comfortable for me, but it's personal preference. There are no rules against it!


I can't see why there would be a problem with dry sex with a tampon in either. Or full sex if both parties were comfortable with it (without tampon in of course!) It's all a matter of personal preference as to whether or not you're comfortable with what you're doing.

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