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"I have to breakup with you because God doesn't want us to be together"

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Mkay, tryin to make this short. Been best-friends with Mark for a year. Liked him for about 11 months =D. Prolly fell for him around the 3rd month I knew him. Either way, we've always flirted. But I repressed my feelings for him because a) we're in highschool and b) being a strong christian, he has this "white and christian girls only policy" so i knew it would never work.


One lovely night, we were talking and he asked me if i liked him and i told him the truth...i had nothing to lose. Truth being: "I don't know. I probably do but I don't want to think about it cuz i know it would never work out." I also tagged on a convenient: "if you have any feelings for me, keep 'em to yourself cuz i don't wanna get hurt knowing it would never work out."


Despite me telling him that. He told me he liked me very much...[insert a mini-relationship here] then all of a sudden. he says he likes me...loves me...fell in love with me..."oh, i don't think what we have is love."..."i can't date you because of your religion" anddd just to make things better....he tagged on a lovely "I've been getting the feeling God doesn't want us together."


He claims [and i believe this] that he completely lost feelings for me cuz of the stress i came with.


my question to you saviors...what do you think about this situation...is he worth it or not? Does he like me or not? Is it possible to lose feelings for someone in a day if u've liked them for a whole year?...and most importantly.




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LOL. I hope you laughed in his face. "God doesn't want us to be together."?!


Hey, guess what? God doesn't want ME to be able to even take this seriously.



I think your 'best friend' is conflicted. Perhaps he does indeed like you - but you see, his religious beliefs are telling him it is wrong to be with you or continue down this.


I think this is nuts and you should walk away. C'mon. This doesn't even make sense " being a strong christian, he has this "white and christian girls only policy" '...since when does being a christian require one to only date whites?! Or even only christians for that matter?! No. That is his personal preference and choice. As it is not 'god' who doesn't want the two of you to be together; it's him and he doesn't have the balls to say it. What a weiner.


Hope that was clear enough. I got knocked down earlier for not being blunt enough, so there ya go.

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Hi Allie,


I'm glad you did not fall for him.


No matter what you think of any religion, none advocates his behavior.


He is just some sorry guy stuck at the looting undermale level.


You will find better, be patient, take care of your studies and work.


Some training material for you: link removed


We always will be here for you.

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Well, I don't know if I'm a savior, but I'll reply anyway. LOL


"white and christian girls only policy"


What's this supposed to mean? He's prejudiced against anyone that doesn't have these traits.


Sounds to me like he's using God as an excuse. These people who do that really bug me. It's like those people who pray about what kind of toothpaste to use. I would have told him to stop using God as an excuse. He's led you on, made you think that he's into you, now suddenly God doesn't want the two of you to be together. Give me a break!


My best advice is: be glad he dumped you when he did so that you didn't have to waste any more time on this POW (piece of work). You deserve someone so much better! Amen! (had to throw in my piece of church).

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so yes. this is pretty ridiculous. but of course i'm hurt and etc. but...ahh...i wouldn't mind if it would be some random kid on the street being prejudiced or whatev but this was one of my best-friends. curazee.


him saying that "my feelings for you went p.o.o.f" hurt enough but more than that was the reason that they went away. rawr.


everything happens for a reason. hopefully.

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..."i can't date you because of your religion" anddd just to make things better....he tagged on a lovely "I've been getting the feeling God doesn't want us together."


I think that is a pretty lame (and semi-psycho) thing to say honestly.


I also think he has issues if he goes around declaring that he'll only date "white Christians". Last time I checked, "God" wasnt' a racist.


I agree with the others that you should run as fast as you can from this one. Don't waste another second on him. Find someone that values you, for YOU, and not whether you fit some pre-conceived mold of a "white Christian"




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