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girls who are decent and don't sleep around -where

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any of you guys ever met any girls off the net. wow so far i met like 5 but not all at once. last 2 where just complete wackos. my question is this do u these days find a decent , non whorish, non-slept with like 20 guys, had not had one nighters and had not had a lot of guys who were just one nighters. so far girls off the net have been like this, not sure to believe what they say or not-but hey its possible right. funny thing was these girl were dressed normallly -hoody, jeans-nothing u think in ur mind they'll be whorish,but for some reason when we decided to go out-coffee and walk around the malls they tell me this somewere in the converation.


also how can u tell from a decent good giurl from a girl that been around the block with 20 or more guys. dress wise you can't-last 2 girl dressed like preppys and so non whorish. till you chat and talk with em you'll never now and what if they never tell ya. later on she becomes ur gf and she tells u this -ahhh sick. i think it sick and gross that any girl or worse if she becomes my gf who has been with so many men.


is this normal or have i been enslaved into sheltered family life which i have been. yea these girl were asian(one chinese cbc, other japanese) too -you think with the strict upbringing of asian parents that the girl be more consverative,but ah no.


oh ya get this age wise-one was only 19 and the other turning 21 -yea you think they'll be more innocent since they're so young right-ah think not. crazy stuff man


i'm in my mid 20's inexp with girls and dating.

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is this normal or have i been enslaved into sheltered family life which i have been. yea these girl were asian(one chinese cbc, other japanese) too -you think with the strict upbringing of asian parents that the girl be more consverative,but ah no.


i think that is EXTREMELY stereotypical.


regardless, your problem: i know what you mean. my current boyfriend was a virgin, as was i, and thats what i loved about him. i loved how pure and fresh he was. honestly, i coudl never see myself having one night stands or having sex with like 30 people in my lifetime. everyones different though. maybe you should find a differnet place to meet these people. or find out before you meet them if they are like this. that really, really disgusts me that someone of the age of 19 has had more than 20 sexual partners.

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it's really hard to judge people from the way they dress. there are women who dresses conservative that are 'whory'. since i live in asia, i have seen a lot of asians like that too.


to know the real person takes time. they can pretend to be the 'good' person in the beginning.


for me, the most important thing is to see how they talk. you'll know a lot from the way they talk.


i'm sure there are many women who had one night stands but not all of them did this becuz they want to. some women had one night stand for some other reasons. so that doesn't mean they are 'whory'...maybe the woman really like the guy but the guy played her.

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You know, looks can be deceiving. You can't always judge a book by its cover.


I know some girls who look and dress like miss goody-two-shoes, but they are nothing like it.


I know some girls who dress pretty revealing and wear tight clothes, and by surprise, since I've known them for years, they've never had a boyfriend, never had sex. And yes Mr., they are asian.


As a woman myself, I can tell you that most of the girls I know are not 'whory' or do they ever sleep around. I don't. I wouldn't find satisfaction in it. So if you want to meet nice girls like us- first of all, you need to give us a chance to get to know us before you judge us automatically. I do admit, I like to go dancing, but I don't dress hootched out. Doesn't mean that I'm a trashy just because I like dancing every so often. In fact, guys offer me drinks and I won't take it. I know it's pathetic, but when theyy offer, and when a girl's thirsty (me), I'll ask them to buy me some water, instead. I'll dance with them and not give out my number. That's just how it goes. I know how you guys tend to pre-judge women who like to go clubbing, "Oh, they're whory, this and that"..but it all depends on the girl.


If we want to get into stereotypes, this is how I see it. For one thing - girls who are truly nice and attractive, don't always find the nice guys either, because it seems as though most guys (at least in their early 20s and mid 20s) would rather prefer the overly confident (cocky) girls who don't resemble the "nice" girl, instead, they prefer the girl who's a bit on the "She's so overly confident that I wanna tame her" kind of girl. Seems like that's the kind of girl that they want. The nice girls just seem too boring. It sucks for them because it seems like guys take them for granted. Just my opinion.

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I can understand this.


And yes, women do seem to sleep around much more than men on average.


And Dako is right too. My friends who have had a lot of experience with girls aren't hung up about this type of stuff, while us inexperienced guys are.


A lot of homely or seemingly reserved people seem to have much more sexual experience than you can tell. Many times because I think they have something to prove. Or something. I dunno.

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joe45 - I am 20 years old and I am still a virgin. I wear short skirts, tight tops and high-heeled sandals on occasion. I had my first kiss with my first ever boyfriend about a month before my 20th birthday. I am also half Chinese. You can't judge people by what they wear one day or by their race.


I also wanted to say that even though your comment about Asian girls is somewhat racist and is a generalisation, there is some truth to it. People living under extremely strict parents and also in very restrictive societies are under more risk of becoming "rebels"; they are much more likely to become promiscuous. Girls that come from very strict religious families (and other similar situations) can also become extremely promiscuous. It has been shown in studies that families where the parents are less strict and actually sit down and talk to their children like adults have more well-behaved children than those who are always screaming, "NO! NO! NO! THIS IS WRONG BECAUSE OF GOD/CULTURE/TRADITION, YOU SHOULD ALWAYS DO WHAT I/THEY SAY!"


And yes, women do seem to sleep around much more than men on average.

It seems like that's what society wants women to do. Women were complaining so long about this double standard where men get called studs and women get called wh*res for doing the exact same thing. Society seems to think that this will all be fixed if the women start sleeping around, too. Don't ask me why because I have no idea. I just know that I don't want to go along with this growing trend.

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I can understand this.


And yes, women do seem to sleep around much more than men on average.


And Dako is right too. My friends who have had a lot of experience with girls aren't hung up about this type of stuff, while us inexperienced guys are.


A lot of homely or seemingly reserved people seem to have much more sexual experience than you can tell. Many times because I think they have something to prove. Or something. I dunno.


I hope you really really meant that as a joke.


First off, ironically I have found that in my dating adventures online. The amounts of partners have been on average what I had.


I'm not really concerned what the experience is (within reason)...


I've taught women things when they had double the partners I had.


Honestly op, it depends on the type of girls you're looking for.


A girl sporting leather and a whip is going to be more likely to have many more partners than a Nun. (Yes I am stereo typing I know had to prove a point)

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i'm in my mid 20's inexp with girls and dating.
There is your problem. You need practice both in having sex and in being around girls you are sexually attracted to. Why not go after the ones who have less hangups about the whole thing? Then when you get more experience you can bag a nice girl to live happily ever after in your magical sky castle or whatever it is you want to do.
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Sounds like a common vs. virgin hangup.

Guys without experience sometimes want a virgin girlfriend because experienced girls are supposedly damaged.

They aren't, and most girls aren't promiscuous.


It's not just that, but it sort of undermines things a bit. You feel 'sexuality issues - can you beat those other guys she's had sex with, will she compare you to them, if she did it with those other guys am I man enough to turn her on so we'll do something together too, or am I less of a man than the one's she's experienced before.' -- these issues definitely crop through the mind -usually at a subconscious level.


The only virgin I found on the internet was an attention wh0re into weird books that wasn't into me. I'd rather a non-virgin who was into me, than a virgin who isn't, but I guess that's just me.


I remember a clip from the movie 40-year-old-virgin, and noted a couple of things in that movie, the main character Andy, who was a virgin, married someone who wasn't a virgin, and another character friend of his, broke up with a girlfriend because she cheated on him and it devestated her. When he tried to go back to her afterwards, she was really through with him.


These movie images in the 40-year-old virgin movie have stuck in my head and have helped counter-act any 'virgin' hang-ups I have. I may say, if someone is sincere, honest, and is with me or into me, then I would not let their past tarnish them in terms of my relationship with them. If I have a great relationship with a girlfriend, and find out she cheates on me but was really sorry about it, then I'd think twise before outrightly dismissing her thanks to the influence of that movie.

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Since just a few months ago you posted:


" i like to go for the trendy clothes hot import model looking types but i get rejected and can't even get a date with one of those-most of those type of girls have bfs already-since they are so hot."


and now you are referring to girls who have had lots of sexual partners as "whorish"....


I agree with itsallgrand and say that your lack of success with *any* women has to do with your lack of *respect* for women.

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I actually prefer someone who DOESN'T have a spotless past. After all, most people's past history isn't exactly squeaky clean. Besides, wouldn't you want someone who's already gone thru and made normal mistakes early in life rather than have them wondering what they missed out on down the road and possibly taking a path that should have been taken earlier on?

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I actually like men with some experience because you know that they have been through it. I dated a virgin and he had major problems because he wasnt ready and had issues with my past because i wasnt a virgin before him. It doesnt matter how many people a person has slept with although if the number was really high i would have doubts about them. I'm 30 and my number is very low! I think in todays society SOME people dont think sex is a big deal and thats where the problem is. I have noticed alot of people getting into other things sexually that is. Im actually someone who doesnt sleep around. I dont see the point

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I actually like men with some experience because you know that they have been through it.


I'm sorry, but I have to put my two cents into this one. A guy can lose his virginity by hiring a hooker or by going on the internet and putting up a profile that says 'Please deflower me' and going with any desperate chick that takes him on.


Now, if a guy told you that, no he's not a virgin, he went with a hooker, or hooked up randomly with someone on the internet for casual sex, then you are going to be impressed with that?


I think losing virginity is technical. If you have sixty dollars, sure, you could lose it, make sure you have two condoms on, big deal. People should not want to have experience on any terms. It's too easy for any guy to just lose virginity with some hooker.


I dated a virgin and he had major problems because he wasnt ready and had issues with my past because i wasnt a virgin before him.


You mean you tried to come on to him for sex and he refused? Maybe he had higher principles, such as waiting until marriage, or marrying a virgin.


It doesnt matter how many people a person has slept with although if the number was really high i would have doubts about them. I'm 30 and my number is very low!


What about if they went with two hookers? That's a lower number.


I think in todays society SOME people dont think sex is a big deal and thats where the problem is. I have noticed alot of people getting into other things sexually that is. Im actually someone who doesnt sleep around. I dont see the point


Right, and that's normal by today's standards. You are probably reasonably attractive, and have a modest experence type of background. In relation to this guy's thread, I think most attractive girls by the age of 30 years old, have probably had some experiences already because guys are chasing or pursuing them, and unless they are lesbians, or seriously religious, they are probably going to have had some experience.


But, that is not actually the case in terms of 'attractivity'. I've known one big fat girl, who did not look attractive at all, who was almost a total loose person. I was in one of those 'rogue' zones and meet her on the internet. She claims to have lost count with the guys she's slept with, and sent porn pics of herself with another guy. IF you saw her working at xyz store, you wouldn't imagine that this person was so loose.

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It's not about how many theyve slept with, it's about their attitude concerning it. Some allow their history to make them become really jaded and stuck up, theyve fooled themselves into a 'been there, done that' kind of thing with every guy they come in contact with. They're usually alittle arrogant and alittle closed-minded.

But there are just as many with the same history who do not let it shut themselves off to the possibilities out there. These people are usually nicer, easier to talk to, and more open to seeing guys for who they are instead of comapring them to the Don Juans from their past.

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