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Does time heal all wounds?

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It all really depends on how important the person is/was to you. There are things I'm still not over that happened well over 10 years go, and there are things that I got over within a week. I learned that time is only an illusion to what heals people. Time doesn't heal, the healing powers are inside you, not that thing on your nightstand that wakes up up every morning.

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Does time heal all wounds? I'm not sure about this, I think maybe you just learn to live with the wounds but you don't ever truly forget if you've had feelings for a person. What are your opinions? Thanks


I think time pretty well heals most wounds. That doesn't mean you ever forget but the raw feelings fade to a point where you can look back without the pain, just the memory.


One of the things I would say time does not heal is death of a loved one. Particularly the death of a child. I know parents who have lost children and 25 years on still burst into tears at the mention of the child's name.

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Paige123: Time does heal all wounds because as time passes the pain, the anger and feelings we had start to vanish and we start growing within ourselves. If there is no contact we start realizing how much better it was without this person. We remember the good things as adream and let it go. As soon as you start the self healing it all starts getting better and you start laughing again.

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My opinion is that time may heal the wounds but usually there is still a scar. I don't think people have to "get over" things so much as find a place within them and move on. After the loss of a person we loved it will change you but the scar will fade and make you the person you are. It is who you are and you just have to go on living.

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How long is anyone advised to give it before we can conclude that time does not heal all wounds? I didn't explain that well.


I mean, after 15 years I may still be hurting, but in 25 I might not be..but if I got run over by a bus in the meantime..there is no way of knowing.


I do know that scars from a year ago still aggravate me.

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