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I am male, 25 and in the closet.


There is a male co-worker at work that I know is gay (he hadnt told me and I hadnt told him). I started saying hello to him and asking him how he's get on with work related things.

Then he kept staring and glancing at me regularly - we just seemed to look at each at the same time. He also made a point of getting my attention a number of times.

But since I am in the closet and shy I got nervous with his intense eye contact and kept looking away. I even started avoiding him and he seemed to avoid me - but after all that I still maintained a good friendship and kept talking to him depsite not knowing him that well.


He has never asked me if I am gay - and the whole situation got me down so much I made a fool of myself one day and said,

"Can I talk to you sometime - I could do with some advice' he was so distant I just said ' it doesnt matter'

Now I never see him he just seems to avoid coming anywhere near me - the glances are still happening but not as often.

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I guess this can be related to a boy liking a girl. I know the dynamics are different, especially if you havent disclosed with anyone about your sexual prefrence.. Perhaps if he too is afraid to come out with his prefrence.


I don't know for sure. Or maybe he just isnt interested in you.

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Maybe he is involved with someone? That wouldn't mean he isn't attracted, but would explain a somewhat distant reaction when approached at a more personal level.


If he is no longer in the closet, assuming that he has no knowledge of your preference, he might be shy around you on a personal level if he is attracted to you. Are you scared of telling people at work about your sexuality, or are haven't you told anyone at all?



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I dont tell anyone about being gay, I thought I could trust him enough to discuss it with him.

It did seem he really wanted to get to know me even if it was just friendship -but it did feel I was doing the talking sometimes.


Maybe I am worrying about the whole situation too much - it is not like we have much time to talk in work anyway.

It just feels very stressful and frustrating because he has changed his attitude so abruptly.


I dont wont to confront him about it.

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