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okay so me and my b/f have been on a "break" but ever since then we still talk the same when ever we see each other everything is the same. (hes in the military so i dont see him as much). nothing has changed execpt the title of boyfriend/girlfriend.. he told me he was always gona be their for me, and he wasnt goin anywhere.(meaning he wouldnt leave me) and this was after the break he says this to me....i saw him last memorial day weekend we hung out and it was fun, but the next day we had plans for him to come over and hang out.. he never ended up coming over b/c he wanted to spend time with his parents.. which is fine.. but we got in a aguement about it cuz he told me he would comeover and then he told me he wasnt.. ever since that aguement he hasnt called me back at all.. i left him a message a few days later and sent him a email.. but thats the only time i called i dont know if i should try calling again or wait for him to call me.. b/c their has to be a reason why hes not calling me and trying to contact me?? should i call???

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I think you should let it be. Give him time to initiate contact with you. Give it a few days, and if you are worried about him, see if you can check in with a mutual friend to see if he's still alive and well, without breaking the NC. Don't pry for information however, as he will find out.

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im not sure if hes just ignoring me or something really happened to him.. he hasnt been online all week and he usually on all the time!! so im not sure if he doesnt want to talk to me or something happened.. ive been getting a strong feeling that something is going on.. but i dont want to break NC.. im not sure if i should get my friend to call him b/c she does talk to him every once in a while...

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