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I just quit college, again, it's so painful when everyone thinks you're a freak... i'm not good looking and i'm not sociable either so chances are i'll never get a girlfriend nor sex, i have no friends and i can't make new ones, my mother hates me for quiting college and that sucks because i have nobody else (my father got lost after the divorce) Now i really don't know what to do, i don't want to get a job since i hate going out and getting laughed at by people... I used to have "friends" in highschool, but they all suddenly left me, they were a bunch of ignorant bullies. Since then i haven't had any friends... now i'm 19, COMPLETELY ALONE in life, ridiculed everywhere i go, my mother thinks i'm a failure, i can't get sex, no social life at all... so i think it's time to leave this world, because... i always thought things would get better but 7 years later i've lost all hopes...


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d'aww. I remember when I was 19. You're still a baby.


Say, post a pic of yourself. I'm sure you're not as bad as you think you are.


And as for being sociable, that comes with experience. But there are some good books out there that can help you. 2 that I would recommend are "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie (VERY popular book) and "Intimate Connections" by Dr. David Burns.



Also, I went through something similar @ 19. You need to see a good therapist who will help you sort out all the stuff in your head. Might even be a good idea to go on a drug like lexapro for a while. My mom did some crappy things to me too during that time in my life (like talking about my problems to just about everyone). I think my parents' have always had good intentions, but always gave piss poor advice and weren't the best role models. It'll take time to sort it all out...

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Yeah that too, my mother has always done everything wrong, like trying to sedate me, maybe in an effort to stop me from killing myself, she also told everyone about my problems too so it's really difficult to go back to my hometown these days.

BTW i don't think i can afford a therapist, though i've seen therapists in the past but as you can see it's been a waste of money, they're so clicheish.

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Hey. I didn't know we could stretch the whole thing with our post titles! Learn something new every day.


Would you mind editing it? You should still be able to. It's just a bit of a nuisance scrolling on the main page. thx.




Mmmm i tried believe me but it won't change

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Mlc87, if it's any help, I know how almost exactly how you feel, well except for dropping out of college and my mum thinking I'm a failure, but the rest is about right. I think You need to push yourself to get a job, it'll help twofold. You'll be getting money, and it'll keep you busy.


Also, have you tried making friends here perhaps? Online friends anyway. Feel free to drop me a PM or email if you like and we can chat (though I have exams in a week, yay, so not sure how talkative I can be).

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i got bullied starting in 3rd grade. i checked up the bullies on myspace lately......none of the ppl from my elementary seem to have ended up anywhere good. and what's more, i no longer care nor respect them or their lives or want any association. not even through bullying.


i could not connect with ppl/did not connect with them growing up......i was emotionally unavailable but i tried to make friends. when i hit 18, i got involved with a jerk and THEN to top it off, i got involved with a complete abusive LOSER. man. i was so dumb. i dropped out of college, had no job, had no friends, (any friends i had were MAJOR backstabbers, users which is worse than being alone), i was extremely depressed, i was being abused daily, i had no money, i fought with my parents, i hated my relatives, i did nothing everyday, i thought i was ugly (being beat down did not help), i was emotionally cycling up and down, i had anxiety and panic attacks. i was a MESS at a very very young age.

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there are couselors out there that are free. i dont think you should just sit there and watch the world pass by just because of what some people said to you i highschool or whatever the situation was. go get a job and have some fun! who cares what other people think about you? all that matters is that YOU are having a good time(just make sure its legal fun

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Maybe you could try starting over by enrolling in a new college or getting a job? If you are scared that people will laugh at you, don't be. They don't know anything about you. They don't know your past, for all they know, you could be this amazing guy (which you probably are!)


I think you should try to make an effort to be more "sociable." It's not too hard.. just smile and treat people with respect and friendliness. People won't think you're a freak if you have a great personality.


One important thing: you have to like yourself first before other people will like you. Often your self-concept is completely different from what other people are thinking about you.

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