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I can not stand my gf when she drinks

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Tonight, i went drinking with my gf and when shes buzzin the truth comes out instantly. I have never heard anyone talk so much smack about me ever. She says some foul stuff. Like your a itch ur not man blah blah blah. Im over it but damm i will never drink with her again cuz she kills it. All it takes for hre is one strong drink or a smirnoff.

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Yes, words seem to spill out a bit easier when you have been drinking. Maybe there are some unresolved conflicts between you two that need to be aired.


When she is sober, why don't you approach her about the comments that she makes? There are probably some underlying issues that are causing her to lash out this way at you. Have a good conversation with her. If it opens a whole can of worms, then maybe it is for the better. Better now, than when all this anger and resentment builds up and she explodes on you.

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Hi there,


Alcohol is NOT a truth serum. If it is, lawyers and judges would ask those whom testify to drink booze before cross examination or cops would make suspects drink it during interrogations. It lowers inhibitions and impairs judgement.


Dazzeled, your girlfriend has disrespected you in so many ways, she cheated on you, wants you to forget her wrongdoing because she feels guilty about and now talks smack about your when she drinks. If you stay with her, you are promoting this disrespectful behavior. Get out while you still have your self-respect.

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Hi there,


Alcohol is NOT a truth serum. If it is, lawyers and judges would ask those whom testify to drink booze before cross examination or cops would make suspects drink it during interrogations. It lowers inhibitions and impairs judgement.


Dazzeled, your girlfriend has disrespected you in so many ways, she cheated on you, wants you to forget her wrongdoing because she feels guilty about and now talks smack about your when she drinks. If you stay with her, you are promoting this disrespectful behavior. Get out while you still have your self-respect.




This is not your first post at all about your girlfriend's behavior. I think you should ditch her and find a new one. After all, a boyfriend or a girlfriend is supposed to make you feel better about yourself, not worse! If you want to feel like crap and having people yell at you, get a job as a telemarketer. At least you'll get paid for it.

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This is not your first post at all about your girlfriend's behavior. I think you should ditch her and find a new one. After all, a boyfriend or a girlfriend is supposed to make you feel better about yourself, not worse! If you want to feel like crap and having people yell at you, get a job as a telemarketer. At least you'll get paid for it.


Ditto Ditto! Even make that to the power of 3. Why are you staying with someone whom cheated on you and disrespected you (and tells you to just live with it!), and clearly is verbally abusive. She has no respect for you, and if you continue to stay with her, you will have less and less respect for yourself.


A relationship, as Annie pointed out, should enhance your life, support you through the trials & tribulations of life. It should not be the one that CAUSES the trials and tribulations!


She's selfish and callous, why do you want to spend your time with someone like that?

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After going through and reading your previous posts, I am going to have to agree with the above posts. You should not be there... you need to find someone who is going to treat you with the love and respect you deserve!


Don't let someone like this tear you down. As RayKay said, your partner should be enhancing your life... this is someone who should build you up, not tear you down!

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