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mom's cooking

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she's good in some ways, not so good in others. honestly if someone else were to say anything about her, i would be the first one to jump at their throats.


that's how it is with family. no one else but those in the family can complain. haha.


i dont know what all ur families were like, but in the wealth of human experiences, i doubt my perceptions or irritations are that different.


right. and i am sure u all think ur mothers are just perfect. and i will challenge you on this, you cannot think of one thing about ur mom that bugs you? i dont believe that. u would either be lying or pretending.


My mother isn't perfect at all. I can barely stand to be in the same room as her. we have some serious issues.


However, if you are complaining about her cooking, why don't you start cooking for her? Or move out? I bet after a lifetime of raising kids, she might appreciate someone else being the cook for a while.

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Teacup, I think in general, you might do well to try to think about being more "goal oriented" as opposed to living in the past.


this is a very appropriate example. My mother's cooking has gotten bad.


Goal: Improve the quality of food I eat


How? Several options:


1) move out and cook my own food

2) stay in the house and become the main chef of the household

3) help my mother cook dinner

4) go grocery shopping for her, so she is never out of commonly used ingredients, so she doesn't substitute beef with chicken.


While venting is good and healthy, you have to put a plan into action.

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For some strange reason I am really pulling for you. You had some harsh posts and I don't exactly blame them, but I am definitely in your corner. Do you think it is possible that you are manic depressive? I only say that because one post said you are either very upbeat or whining. I did not think that was nice to say, but maybe you have mood swings. Anyway, if I remember correctly, you live in SO. CAL. If so, maybe you can come an teach me how to cook. I love the food network and want to learn how to cook. Let me know and we can do some cooking and some talking. I might be able to help you out. I have been through some bad times, but now things are coming together.


Peace out,



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i wasn't suggesting that teacup was "manic-depressive"/bipolar or had mood swings! i was merely drawing a distinction between her negative and positive posts and hoping to encourage more of the latter. she explained that she uses ENA as a sounding board to keep her real-world complaining to a minimum, and i accept her rationale.

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Teacup, I understand you. I think you are a good person, albeit sometimes misunderstood. My mom is not a good cook and she will admit that. She tends to cook healthy (no salt or seasonings) so her cooking is kind of bland. She never taught me how to cook so I dont know how to cook that well. I can cook a few things but I learned from friends or by taking a stab at it.


I live about two hours from my parents and when I come home to visit, I will humor her and eat her cooking so she doesnt nag at me. Although a lot of times when I come to visit, I usually take her out to eat. She likes that and it gives us time to try new things.

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let's say a recipe uses chicken. she will use beef with some weird sauce because she doesn't have chicken. and it wont taste very good.

Oh yeah, that's called Chicken Surprise. What, there's no chicken? Surprise!


or let's say the recipe uses soy sauce, broccoli, and something else. and she will leave out a few sauces, a few ingredients and then tell me that it tastes exactly the same.

Do what I did once when my mom messed up the recipe. Sprinkle salt on the paper with the picture on it and eat that and say that it tastes more like the real thing than the garbage she just served. Oh, and prepare for her not to cook for you for, like forever.


she is a homemaker and stays at home. all of her kids are grown. she has A LOT of time. i wonder why she doesn't take more pride in her cooking...i feel like it's done so half-assed.


i cook myself....i cook very well but don't have time because i am so busy working. but when i do, i prepare everything with care. so this may be why it drives me crazy when she doesn't. but seriously, she has so much time!! it may be the perfectionist in me...


Not being sarcastic, but probably because you are old enough to cook for yourself. Cooking as a homemaker vs. just for you and her is different, as she doesn't have to impress you as much with her cooking. Now if you don't have the time as you stated, put all the ingredients on the kitchen counter and have your mom make it to the tee. I did that for my mom one night when I didn't have time to cook chicken and she wanted to know how I like it.


but say it's a mushroom sandwhich. she would leave out the mushrooms and put in radish with bread and tell you that it is exactly the same.

What, you've never had Mushroom Surprise? But there's no mushrooms! Surprise!


sometimes i wonder if im missing some taste buds because it doesnt taste the same to me.

My grandmother cooks the best salmon. I follow the same recipe, get the fish from the same store and copy her recipe to the tee, and it tastes different. Unless you're a 4-5 star chef, everything you do will taste different from everything someone else does.


If you don't have time, do what I do. I rarely have time to cook, but I set and hour for myself to prepare my breakfast, lunch and dinner for the next day. Everything is seasoned beforehand and put in the fridge waiting to be fried, baked, sauteed, ect. Then you can just put the dindin in the oven and do what you need to do while it cooks.

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i was just venting my frustration. it's a minor irritation but i think that it's been blown way out of proportion. yes, i have a million things to do in the day, housing and rate rates are super duper expensive and i like my parents despite our differences, and i do and have cooked in the past (when i had more free time), and i certainly have cooked dinner for the family etc. but i can't right now, im TOO busy.


i loved food network, when i had time to watch tv. but i have not watched tv in months. i love rachel ray, martha stewart, alton brown, tyler florence, etc. etc. i have a million recipe books. i love to eat, go out to restaurants and i cook well. i go grocery shopping with my mom when i can, we go to farmer's markets once in awhile. i am a conneiseur.


and i am not bipolar. im not manic. i know what that's like, some ppl i know have it. im cranky and sour. i have too much WORK.

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I think he basically he means we should not be dependent on our parents anymore. We are grown up.
That's what I got out of it too.


Plus, focusing in on negative qualities about our parents can be a huge block to moving forward.

It is a huge block..
I totally agree that not all parents are great, good, or even anything more than downright selfish and nasty. Some are.
And we want to do better.

This thread really hit a nerve for me though.

For me too.

Because I've been there. My mom was an active alcoholic most of my life. I've said things, done things, and complained about her plenty. But ya know what....she did what she knew how to do.
My dad was too and died of 5-7 liters of 40%. My mother was overstressed having to care of 3 children and abusive of me.
In order for me not to go insane, I cut myself off and eventually put that where it belongs: in the past. It can not influence my decisions, mood, or life. If it did - I would literally go crazy.

You have figured it out, I have too and I wish that all those always lamenting about their childhood troubles do the same. There is no need to copy old life, it mostly hurts.

It took me time to re-establish a relationship with my mom since she quit drinking. And totally worth it, in this case. Good or bad: she's the only mom I've got.
You speak from my heart.

I love my mother and want the best for her. She ain't perfect, but as a human being, she deserves respect. Through all the crap; there are good things.

Feelings are feelings, and we all got em.

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