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I've had this best friend, a girl of course, for almost two years. We're somewhat inseperable. We spend every moment together when we're not working, we cuddle, we occasionally hold hands, etc. We closer then I have ever been to any other girl before... We're so close friends and complete strangers comment that we're lesbians, but we do nothing but just laugh it off...


For the past few months I've found myself growing closer to her, not in a friendship way, but in the way of a crush. I've recently come to terms that I'm bisexual, I had been dying to tell her for months, then I finally did yesterday.


We took one of our aimless car rides (to Miami) so we had a lot of time for those good old highway talks. We launched into a conversation regarding her current boyfriend. She told me how she was planning to break it off with him because she's not happy, the sex is short, and she's left to do the job on her own...


So I added my advice and all and the conversation led into sex. Now I knew she was bisexual before this relationship, I didn't know if that stopped or not so I went ahead and asked her, she said, "I don't care what people say once you're really bi, you're always bi. I haven't hooked up with a chick in awhile because of this relationship." So then I realized it would be alright to go ahead and tell her, she wasn't shocked or anything she just knew "I was keeping something from her..."


So we continued our aimless drive stuck in rush hour traffic and talked about our bisexual experiences. Trust me, that got my excited, and now I'm even more hopeful then I was that something could become of our relationship. I'm absolutly crazy about her, her eyes, her body, her personality, I honestly think I've fallen in love with the person she is.... but I didn't go as far as to tell her that...


We kept talking and she was saying how she hasn't had sex with a girl in "soooo long" not sounding like she didn't want to. We were sitting at a rest stop and out of the blue she said, "So what if we were to get together who would be the butch and who would be the femme?" So now I know that she's breaking it off with her boyfriend that there might be a chance for me, or just some wishful thinking at least...


My question all of you is, do you think she wants me. We have a much closer relationship then most friends, she will turn around and stare at me in the eyes, then I always find her going to my mouth, we stare at eachother for what seems like minutes before she turns her head and comments on something else. We cuddle on the couch and as we fall asleep, we will hold hands occasional, swap massages. I just feel such an incredible strong connection to her and I wonder if it's just me lusting for her, or if anyone else thinks it's really there?


So out of my aimless rambling (in hopes of getting you guys to fully grasp what's going in my head, sorry it's so long) I want to know your opinions, I'm dying to make a move, and now that I know she's open to hooking up with girls, I'm wondering if I should go for it, and if I should how to go about that... or if she's even attracted to me (although that day she commented on how beautiful I looked)


Please and thank you oh so much, I really need the help...

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Wow, if you hadn't mentioned she had a b/f, I wouldve thought you two were together already!!!

I think she is definitely interested, if she does all the things you have mentioned....

Wait until she has broken up with her boyfriend for sure though!


Good Luck- sounds very positive.



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I was in the Same situation recently. This girl sent me all kinds of signs and one day she asked if i would like to be her girlfirned. I was kinda shocked until I noticed I was attracted to her. I never really admitted to liking her.


She definatly sounds interested but i would wait until shes done with her boyfriend for sure.

Good luck

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Wow, if you hadn't mentioned she had a b/f, I wouldve thought you two were together already!!!




I would wait until she's broken things off with her boyfriend. It sounds like she's interested even beyond just sex since the both of you are really good friends (i.e., the cuddling, holding hands, and massages). The fact that she asked you what roles you would play if you got together tells me that she's thinking about the possibility of you and her. I think that she sounds like she needs to get laid and you could be the lucky woman. BUT, wait till she's single!


Keep us posted!

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Welcome to enotalone.


She's definitely interested in you and like someone else said it's obvious you've both been interested in each other for sometime. Remember, 'actions speak louder than words'.


Wait until she finishes with her boyfriend first.

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As of today she has broken up her boyfriend. Given, I know I need to give her time...


But out of curiosity, how do I find out if she's interested or not, without bluntly coming out and saying it (I don't want to risk the embarrassment)

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Why don't you start a conversation about sexuality and see how she responds.


It doesn't matter whether you're wanting to be in a 'normal' relationship or a same sex one at some point you're going to get embarrassed. We all go through it.


I fell for 3 straight women in a row and told them how I felt and looked a fool but I got over it eventually. Now when I look back I just laugh at myself.


Good luck

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We have had conversations about our sexuality, we're really open to eachother about everything. Thing is we joke about hooking up, wanting to sleep with each other, etc. all the time...


I just need to think of a way to make her realize I'm really not joking around this time...

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