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What do I have to do? feedback from woman

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The girl in my situation that I had decided to just walk away from 10 months ago won't go away. I think about her everyday, but over the last few months I have been getting over her more and more. I'm fine now, she isn't here, and it took a really long time for me to just start living my life.


Then today she message me online. We start talking, and she keeps saying things like how she is trying to do things when she gets back home..saying that she definatly wants to do something TONIGHT. I feel like these are hints she is giving me that she wants me to invite her to hang out with me. she has brought that up before that we "need to hang out".


The thing is she keeps saying in her messages calling me a "loser" anytime I say i am watching the game or going out tonight to a movie, basically doing any guy thing. So I started teasing her, and then she just signs off. LIke I'm going to be nice to her after she blew me off months ago, and she is saying things like "Ur a loser" to me. Even sarcastically, it sounds personal if u say it more than once. Like she is taking stabs at me for not being her fall back plan.


SHould I just be straight with her and ask her does she want to hang out with me when she gives hints? SHould I just ignore her? She just isn't going away, and the way I chose to deal with her breaking my heart is just walk away. I never said one thing to her, I just looked at her actions I started avoiding her. So for me to say leave me alone, that would be me showing that she got to me.


I feel such resentment towards the way she treated me, that I don't want to be near her. The feelings that I have though, make me feel like I could be her friend, but she just doesn't treat me good. I'm always good to her, but she threw me away for her ex.



Any comments from some older experienced woman I would appreciate? Why would you try to be friends with a guy that you know you crushed? Even if he makes you laugh and you have feelings, if you chose someone else over him, why couldn't you just forget about him and move on??

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Why would you even talk to someone who did that to you? She's calling you a loser because your not standing up for yourself. She cheats on you, then comes back and you act like nothing ever happened. The first time she messaged you, you should have told her to F*** off.

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She just won't go away no matter how many times I try to be good about it. I say I'm busy, and I have to go when she talks to me. When she asked why don't I call, I say I'm busy. "When are you going to come see me at school?"...I say I'm not coming because I'm not trying to come up to a school when its my day off.


She thinks we are "friends". I think ur right though, I should just say F... off.


Then that just shows her I'm bitter you know. I want to do it in a way that tells her she messed up and I'm done with her. Saying I'm busy everytime doesn't work. I mean she knows she looks good, but the way she did me, it ruined it. What other ways can work?

I'm thinking hanging out and just acting boring and not into her will work, but things usually have a reverse effect with woman? The less you care the more they do, and the more you care the less they do.

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The thing is she keeps saying in her messages calling me a "loser" anytime I say i am watching the game or going out tonight to a movie, basically doing any guy thing. So I started teasing her, and then she just signs off. LIke I'm going to be nice to her after she blew me off months ago, and she is saying things like "Ur a loser" to me. Even sarcastically, it sounds personal if u say it more than once. Like she is taking stabs at me for not being her fall back plan.



I don't like how she keeps calling you a loser. That is down right abusive in my opinion. She sounds very immature to me. I don't think you owe this girl any thing.....i.e. she does not deserve any of your time. She's the one that ended the relationship by going back to her ex-boyfriend. She made that choice and now she's got to live with it.


I feel such resentment towards the way she treated me, that I don't want to be near her. The feelings that I have though, make me feel like I could be her friend, but she just doesn't treat me good. I'm always good to her, but she threw me away for her ex.


If you feel as you do in the above quote, I don't think it's the best time for you to try a friendship out with this girl. Maybe in a few years that would be possible, but not right now.

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Want her back?? No, when I really think about it, because nothing works out the second time, I figure something as great as love gets one chance to work.


I just wish so badly she had been straigh with me, then when the thought of just being her friend came to me, I would have no resentment. I just wish she was normal like that, so we could joke around and tease each other like we used to. Just have fun being around each other.


Everytime she contacts me it's just pushing me away...and I think I just got to let it go for good, but she just won't stop. It's kind of one of those things where I'm glad she contacts me because I know she cares still and it helps my ego a little, not to sound like I need an ego boost. I'm just saying I'm glad it's her turn to try and keep me around and she is the one thinking about me.


I just think we should go our separate ways. The ONLY way I would wish to stay friends for a long time with her is if she said something like "I know you had feelings for me, and I messed that up, but getting back with my ex was what I thought was best for me."..Even then, it's too late to apologize you know?


She just isn't a good friend, I treated her really good. I was very playful with her, but I don't think I should treat her good anymore after she hurt me like that. It sucks to think about it, because I was going to start buying her roses and doing more good things for her. Then she just abandoned me.

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not a woman here, but someone who has been in a similar situation as yours-

stay away from her.

she throws you bread crumbs, luring you in, the pulls away.

if you read my story, you'd see my ex did the smae to me. dont let yourself be played you deserve so much better than that.


as someone said, she had her chance and she screwed up.

think of the ugly things she did to you.

please dont let yourself be taken in like i did.

i got back together with my ex in jan, one month later, i get dumped when she made new friends.

people's true colors come out.

this girl calling you a loser all the time, just like my ex calling me a fag(and worse) all the time, even if i didnt do anything.

its abusive. pull away. ignore her

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Yeah i kno what you mean..Like she call you gay. I can tell from teasing because that's what I do to girls when I like them. Calling me a loser...I can tell that's not very playful thing to call someone, niether is fag.


I have figured even if we hang out I would not even care, she would be trying to make it fun not me. Like she thought she was pulling me in then I would just keep not caring. I am 10000 percent aware of the little "can I get him back?" game and then throw him away again.


I just think that the more I keep not calling her, it seems like the more she wants to know what I'm doing. I feel like a little kid is trying trick me or something, like I'm so on top of it. I just needed to hear some ones thoughts on it. I definatly listen to what everyone says on here, when it's good advice. I appreciate it even more when someone shares their experience and can tell me what the best thing they did and realized.


Yeah tho, I'm on top of it. It't like she felt pretty good when she just abandoned me, now that the fairytale of her getting someone new has wore off she is starting to see that I was something good. That's something girls like her are going to have to learn the hard way..it comes back 10 fold on them..Karma.

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