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If you are doing all these tests, that means you must have been worried, so its probably stress!


Sometimes women just skip periods anyway, especially if they are young. If you've got six negatives, then she ISN'T pregnant, and should only see her doctor if she misses another period. Personally, I think it's stress.

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Six negative results tells me that she probably isn't pregnant. I missed my period last month (I totally empathise, it got me in a right mess) and have just got it now - in all, I was 8 weeks late. I don't know why it was late, but if you've taken six tests then I think you can rest assured that it isn't that she's carrying your child! It's probably stress.

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Well, it can depend on several things. For example, if she is younger, like in her teens, her periods can be still kind of irregular. Also, stress and hormonal changes can delay a period. Antibiotics can do the same. Has she taken any recently? When I strep throat and took anitbiotics for it, my period skipped the month of November but showed up the first week of December. So some medications can do that as well.


Is she a heavy exerciser? That can delay or make periods skip. Changes in diet, eating disorders can all have an affect . If none of these apply, it is time for your girlfriend to get a blood test done. If she cannot afford it or does not want her parents to find out, she can look in the Yellow Pages on clinics such as Planned Parenthood and get one done. Tests are usually very affordable and sometimes free and the tests are confindential. They offer counselling and very affordable birth control and free condoms. Take care and good luck.

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shes 20, she gets like 5 hours a sleep at night..she doesnt eat anything healthy due to her busy schedule..she has been kind of emotional but i dont know if its anymore than normal, shes a girl what can i see =P..but she has been sick on and off this month..and of course very stressed about the whole situation, considering her father is a pastor and would have her neck if she was giving birth..


but all in all all those things i listed she has done for quite some time..for the 6 months we have been dating at least..i think its weird that now its taking the toll..but yeh we took another pregnancy test last night and it was negative as well..so yeh i think we will just wait until the 8th of next month see if she gets it then..i want to be certain but then again i want my money..how much would a blood test and planned parenthood cost?

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Planned Parenthood will look at your financial situation and probably do a blood test for free.


6 negatives she is not likely pregnant. As alteer said...sometimes it does not show on a regular urine test but even then, usually even THEY will show after a month for most people. And if she is MORE than 3-4 months pregnant it won't show up either, but from what you said that does not seem the case.


She should go to a doctor. There are many other factors that can also lead to missed periods, including being underweight, ill or stressed.

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Concur with other posters on possible causes of delay.


Pregnancy tests are quite reliable after a missed period. Exception is (IME) ectopian pregnancy which can be caused by missing the pill. Did she miss the pill?


If no pill, what else did you use for protection at the time?

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I still think you should take her to the doctors because I have a feeling it's something to do with not eating properly and being stressed out and nothing to do with being pregnant but that's my opinion.


If she's already been like this on and off for 6 months it could be the start of an eating disorder or lack of vitamins and nutrients. However, we won't know until she visits the doctor? It's better to be safe than sorry.


Please be responsible and take her to the doctors.

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she used to be belemic..or however you spell it..you know where you throw up after you eat..anyways she is about 5"6 and weighs about 110 lbs..i think we will go to planned parenthood on monday based on all your helpful comments, really appreciate it..is it possible just to skip a period?

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yup. bulemia really really really messes up your body. as does anorexia. she sounds a bit underweight. that could also be messing up her periods.


sounds like she is not pregnant, but I hope that her eating is back to normal. it may take a while until her periods come like clockwork. best to check the blood work though to get a definitive answer.


good luck

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yup. bulemia really really really messes up your body. as does anorexia. she sounds a bit underweight. that could also be messing up her periods.


sounds like she is not pregnant, but I hope that her eating is back to normal. it may take a while until her periods come like clockwork. best to check the blood work though to get a definitive answer.


good luck


Fat is needed in a woman's body to synthesize the hormones that cause menstruation. If your girl has had an eating disorder in the past and is still underweight, that could be the culprit.


Let us know what the blood test reveals.

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