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i don't know i am.....

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i have this sense of loss, doom, gloom and......no identity. im starting to realize, i dont know who i am. i really don't.


i dont know what i like, who i am, who i want to be, who i want to be friends with, nothing. i am so lost and so tired of being lost.


i dont even know where to start or begin to find myself.


i know i should stop going on myspace and friendster to browse around. but it seems like everyone knows their interests, who they are, who they want to be, where they want to go, who their friends are, their bfs, like they have so much fun and have their lives together.


but i am just one big BLANK. i have no clue. i feel so behind, like im only starting to look for answers now, when other people have already found their answers. i feel like i missed out on so much of life. i am so completely lost and clueless.


i have no identity.


advice plz.

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there are millions of people just like you...We all have to have our own time every once in a while.


Id take this time to go see a phyciastrist or however you spell it.

See what they think and they can actually help you take baby steps

into seeing what you like, where you are in life, who youd like to become.


all of those sourts of thinggs...

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I've gone through that before, I'm not sure if there is one good way to find yourself. But for myself. I stopped socializing for a few weeks and just spent time with myself, discovering myself. writing what I felt, going places, seeing new things, going for walks, praying, painting, drawing, just different activities to find what I enjoyed. Also volunteer work, it takes focus off yourself and turns it to helping others, it gives you a satisfaction & you find things out about yourself you didn't know.

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Think about if you knew you only had one more year to live what would you do with your days?? If nothing was holding you back and nothing to lose?


That may help you find who you are and what makes you happy. A little bit of yoga always helps too...

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I think you have commonalities with another frequent poster.


My advise: think positive, act positive, one baby step at a time.


Please have a look at this thread, Note: the title does not matter, but the person and the problems matter. Perhaps you could even help each other both being female.



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I know how you feel, I often find myself without a clue as to who I am. I find that sometimes i begin to question the entire route I've taken with education and approaching the start of a career, alot of times getting the feeling that i seem to be falling through life (albeit rather sucessfully sometimes) and that i haven't really done alot to define who I am to anybody, including myself.


I can't say I really have any advice for you, however i'd just like you to know you're not the only one with this problem. Perhaps if we both share a little more about our common problem we can help each other find a solution.



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i dont know what i like, who i am, who i want to be, who i want to be friends with, nothing. i am so lost and so tired of being lost.


i have no identity.


advice plz.


Lots of people (even those in their 50s) don't know who they are. It's normal to question your identity sometimes. Actually, it's a good thing because then you know you're at least asking the questions that matter. Some people don't even know to ask these questions.


In my case, when I have times of self doubt, I write down what I feel and what I think in a journal. Just pour my heart out because then it makes things more concrete. I can reason them through better.


A lot of knowing who you are is simply being honest with yourself. Try new things. Allow yourself to make mistakes on the journey of finding out who you are and be kind to yourself. Sometimes people know what they want, but they fear it, so they think this must not be it. Sometimes people bend their likes/dislikes to fit what other people think is right which makes life difficult. So I guess to know yourself, you've got to be brave.

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myspace is just full of internet hoes. dont measure yourself by that. i got a profile on there. i look like im having loads of fun when in reality im super duper boring just take some posey pics. u know they all sat at home all night taking pics of their exciting lives hehe.

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Painterchic is right. I've been on Myspace and seen accounts where the person looks really popular and friendly, and has so much of a life. I know them in real life and it's completely opposite. Those sites are about creating a new character for yourself that doesn't have to be completely true.

As for having no identity, remember it's the little things that make a person. Like quirks and sense of humour.

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