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Today was one of the worst days of my life. I woke up feeling unwell and had to go into work. I didn't have anything to do in work, so I spent my time avoiding the bosses and trying to look busy. I felt sad because all of the workmates that I am friendly with are leaving, they are moving on to bigger and better things, but I'll still be here.


Time seemed to stop. Eventually when my shift was finished I left and my dad came to pick me up. I got in the car and he was acting kinda funny. He didn't say much and it was a really quite ride home. When we got in front of my house I was about to get out the car and he stopped me. He looked me in the eye and told me my granddad had died.


I was half expecting it because of the way he was acting. At first I didn't feel anything; no emotion. Then I walked up to the house, opened the door and saw my mums face. I burst into tears. It was strange because I didn't really know him that well. I remember going to visit him more when I was a kid.


I cried for about an hour and then I couldn't cry anymore. I felt really bad for my dad (it was his father), but he didn't seem very emotional. I don't know if he was trying to block it out or not but he was just quiet and expressionless.


When I stopped crying it felt like time had caught up with me. I couldn't change any of the events that happened in the past, but I can affect my future.


I think my granddad would want me to live a fulfilling life. Thinking about it now, I can see what my future will be like if I don't take action. I'll end up stuck in a boring job with no life. My life at the moment is pretty awful. I've got hardly any friends. I hate my job. I hate going to uni. I don't have any hobbies.


I want to travel the world and have a girlfriend and all that stuff. I think my granddads death has motivated me to take action and get my life in order. I really don't know where to begin. I want more hobbies and more passions. I want more friends. I want a life.


Help me out here. What is the average students life like? Its summer now and I have a few months off of uni to turn things around. I really want to change my life but I need help. I'm not looking for sympathy because my granddad died, I'm looking for advice.



Thanks for reading


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I'm sorry to hear of your loss. That is one rough day.


I don't know about student life bc I have not gone to Uni. I worked and I still work. And it isn't horrible. lol. Though I do see myself going to school seriously, and not just the bits I have so I can move in work.


Summer is a great time to explore new hobbies, meet new people, enjoy life. You are going to have some grieving to do, it's natural. What are you interested in? What do you see for yourself in the future? How can you make your own life better? What have you been avoiding or not doing because of fear? These are some things to mull and find answers to.


take care.

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Hi ya,


I think i know how you feel, i didnt go uni when all my friends did and i got a job and there were moment when i felt really lost and lonely. I was lucky to move on to a job that i really love, i dont get paid loads and it isnt somthing i ever would have chosen for a carreer path but i love the people and dont dread the end of the weeked like i used to at school!

It took me a while and people can be very discouraging but i would say put your self out there, you will have things that go wrong but then you will find something you really enjoy. When my grandad died a month ago it gave me the strenght to end a destructive abusive realtionship i was having. There are moments when i still feel scared but the motivation is a good thing i think and you can use it, i never realised how strong i could be. You could try doing classes in something or doing volunteer work, its all a bit daunting but a good way to meet people and just feel happier. I used to find it really hard but now i've realised how character building it really is. You might feel lonely at first but then you feel independent and that is a great feeling.


Hope this helps at all


Take carexxxxxxxxxx

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