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Breakup Rules

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Following from my thread asking who has been dumped badly ie. not face to face but with the use of techological gadgets and sudden disappearance. I read the following 'rules' somewhere and thought I would share.



Breakup Rules

1. Do it in person. Its hard but the person you loved deserves it.

Unless your ex is hitting you. If that is the case, just run.

2. Be honest but not so honest that you're being cruel. Unless your ex is cheating on you. In that case, go the brutal honesty with all guns blazing - they asked for it.

3. Be compassionate, but not so compassionate that they think there's still hope. Some people will think there is still hope no matter what you do, but that's them, its not you.

4. The best revenge is to live well. Let karma sort the rest out.


And what is it with this "you deserve someone better" line? Are you saying you're holding out for someone worse?

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3. Be compassionate, but not so compassionate that they think there's still hope. Some people will think there is still hope no matter what you do, but that's them, its not you.


Great post. I particularly like the one above.


One of my pet hates is when someone says "I can't be with you...AT THE MOMENT" or "I can see myself being with you IN THE FUTURE but not right now". Dangling carrots of hope....


I used to fall for those a few years back...but haven't for some time.

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These methods are ones you look back on and giggle at, but they are no fun at the time for the dumpee....


The "Snowjob" Breakup


Completely disapear from their lives. Stop texting, stop taking calls, move away. Ignoring their existence completely. I actually did this to a guy once, after a month of dating. Yeah I know - what a complete coward! Its quite a terrible way to break up with someone. Particulary if its any length of time.


The KTHXBYE breakup


Thanks to the wonders of modern technology and link removed, you can now be broken up with using my patent pending "KTHXBYE" breakup! Fantastic to completely destroy your partner (well ex partner).


For additional points, break up with your partner through an online game - using leetspeak.

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The "Snowjob" Breakup


Completely disapear from their lives. Stop texting, stop taking calls, move away. Ignoring their existence completely. I actually did this to a guy once, after a month of dating. Yeah I know - what a complete coward! Its quite a terrible way to break up with someone. Particulary if its any length of time.


Hmmmm......yes.......this is one I just experienced. Not fun at all when your on the recieving end!!

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Hmmmm......yes.......this is one I just experienced. Not fun at all when your on the recieving end!!


Its been nearly three years since I did that too a guy, only after dating him a month, and I STILL feel terrible about it. He emailed me a year or so ago asking (politely) for a DVD back I had of his. But I was still so freaked I didn't email him back.


I never intended to breakup that way, I figured that he would "get the hint" but realised eventually I would need to talk too him. But I kept putting it off. But the longer I put it off, and the more he tried to contact me, the HARDER it was to contact him. I mean, who can explain themselves after they do something like that?

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And what is it with this "you deserve someone better" line? Are you saying you're holding out for someone worse?



No, it just means that they deserve better, like someone that truly loves them?



I thought exactly that when I broke up with my ex. Never told her I didn't loved her anymore, nor that she deseved better. But I knew, both of us deserved someone better, she deserved someone that loved her, and I deserved to be with someone that not only loved me, but someone that I could also love (I could barely stand my ex, for me it was like torture to spend time with her).

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