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hiya hunni.. and welcome to the site as i havent welcomed you before *hugs*


i think.. it would be best for the both of you if you keep it as NC unless she wanted you to talk to her or something but in my opinion i think she prob has another soulmate as you thort or just cannot cope with a long distance realtionship which of course i can understand as i have been in one and its really difficult coz you dotn get to seem them as much as you can if you live nearer.

unless you feel that you should talk to her more and see what could happen then you can contact her if you want but if i was you.. i wouldnt coz its not worth it she either loves you but csnt love you coz of the distance! maybe she is feeling confused at this time so until then if she feels that she must contact you.. then of course she will!


hope this ok for you *hugs* and take care and good luck for the futire!


luv frankee x x

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bad idea, i think. you'll probably regret saying it if nothing works out between you.


and if you think about it, a lot of people break up with their significant others because they DO know the door is open, because they know their lovers still want to be with them. it is often when the dumpee becomes a little more independent, starts dating other people, and becomes otherwise unattainable that, unfortunately, the dumper's interest in her former lover is piqued once again. when her ability to be with that person is JEOPARDIZED, she will be the most likely to leap into action.


you probably made it clear to your ex when you broke up that you didn't want to break up, so that's all you need to say. she probably knows she could call you right now and you'd still be down for it. and if she wants to be with you badly enough (and keep in mind that you should only want her back if she is VERY strong in her desire to be with you--otherwise, what's the point) she would most likely risk the possibility of rejection in order to get you back.


don't forget the truth about human nature that people like a challenge, and like it when their accomplishments are difficult to attain, because the difficulty in reaching it makes getting it so much sweeter.

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