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  1. I have been doing NC ever since we broke up. Now I am very tempted to give her a call or email telling her that I still care and would like to keep the "door open" if she feels like we can work things out. Good or bad idea??
  2. Thanks for everyone's input. Things are certainly getting a little better day by day, but there's still a part of me that wants to call her and hoping that she might feel like giving this relationship a chance. Its really hard to not talk to someone you care about so much. There's so many things that reminds me of us. (I did stash away all the gifts/photos, etc. from our relationship) So far, I have managed to stay NC since we broke up. I know this is probably too soon to ask, but when would it be a good time to make contact again?
  3. My gf and I just broke up after almost a year (its both of our first real relationship). We started going out last summer and she would be going back to school 3 hrs. away in the fall/winter. We both live in the same city, she's only going to be away for school. At the beginning, we weren't sure if the LDR would work since we just started going out for a few months before we separated. When school started, I made a few visits to see her (I am working fulltime and taking a course at night) and she also made a few trips back into town. Everything seems to be going smoothly, we talked almost everyday via phone or MSN (mostly about how things are going, and seeing how her day went, etc). That is until about a month ago, due to our busy schedule, we did not get to see each other for almost 2 months (up to the time that she came back when the semester is over). During the last month, whenever I called the conversion seems to be very short, and I just thought to myself that this could be that she's really busy with studying and probably stressed out too. So I let her have some space, but still IM her if I don't call her to see if everything was going ok with her. When she got back into town at the end of the semester, just about a week ago, she told me that she felt that our relationship has lost its sparks and she does not feel the same way about me anymore. She thinks of us as more of a 'friend' type relationship, rather than an intimate relationship. After that phone call, we took a few days to think things over and decide to meet each other to talk it over. I really though that the long distance thing has a lot to do with the way she felt, as well as us not being able to see each other for the last two months. When we finally met, it seems to me that she already has made up her mind that she wanted to end this relationship. While I really want to work things out over the summer, my gf thinks otherwise. She admitted that she wasn't putting us very high on her priority list, and also not reciprocating the affection that I have for her. She has been thinking about this for about a month. She also mentioned that she will be gone for a longer time after the summer too. At that point, there's really nothing I can really do or say to have her reconsider. She said that she still wants us to be friends (classic line). I missed her a lot and loved her very much even when we don't get to see each other, and was really looking forward to spending time together during the summer to build on our relationship. Being curious, I asked if there were a 3rd person involved in this, but she told me no, and she would never do anything like that. So it has been a week since the break up, and I still feel down at times (loss of apetite/sleep). It hurts that it came kinda sudden, although I had a hinch that we might've hit a rough patch. We have not talked to each other since that day. After thinking about what went down that day, I did appreciate the fact that she told me about this rather than just keeping it inside and not letting me know until further on our relationship. It still hurts to know, but I guess the truth is still better. Can I still get her back? Should I call her? I realized that I fell in love with her personality (yes, she's also a good looking gal), and how much we enjoyed the time when we get to see each other.
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