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5 days late (period)


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so my girlfriend and i have been together for like 5 months this past month we had unprotected sex about 10 times..each time i pulled out and let it go on her stomach..but now she is 5 days late on her period...2 days ago she took a pregnancy test and it came up negative...im young AHHH need some advice..is it gonna be okay? is it natural for a late period?

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yeh we werent being very smart..is it likely that she is?i think tomorrow night ill get her another one so she can try it in the morning...and no im not ready to be a father..otherwise i wouldnt be running around on a random message board for help..financially it will be a burden..and she is a pastors daughter..that will be a hurdle for her father..and im catholic!

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As others pointed out...the pull out method is not a form of birth control. Have her take a test in a few days. Stress, diet, age, hormonal changes can also delay a woman's period. How old is she?


Have her get on birth control once you confirm in fact that she is not pregnant. If she has no insurance, does not want her parents to find out, or can not afford it, she can look in the yellow pages and check for clinics such as Planned Parenthood. It is not worth this kind of stress and aggrivation. As the old saying goes..."what do you call couples whom use the pull-out method...? Parents!


Good luck and take care.

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My advice is to wait a few more days and take another test. But then it might also be late because she's worried about it.


and also, if she does get on birth control if she's not, make sure that you use a condom too. I was on the pill and still got pregnant. Plus, I know what it's like to be young and pregnant.. I'm almost 18 weeks pregnant and I'm only 16.

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Hi Bret,


What the others said Use condoms at the very least, preferably have her get on birth control pills too!!


Other than that though, I don't think you need to be worried, those tests are very accurate. A lot of possible reasons for late periods have already been given by others. Though most women are quite regular, my cycle and that of many other women can vary by three or four days every month. Stress like a pregnancy scare or upcoming exams have made it up to two weeks late in the past.


hope all is well,



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