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do guys cry like babies?

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Most guys I know don't cry... easily that is.

Men are usually taught to "suck it up" and not cry from a young age.

My brother never cried until he had children. Now he's the biggest cry baby now. I have never seen my father cry until he had a vasectomy, came home and the dog jumped onto his lap. The man cried. I never knew he could..

I think all men have a soft side. It usually takes a special individual to be allowed to see it.

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I think all men have a soft side. It usually takes a special individual to be allowed to see it.

Yep. Society does for men the same as it does for women. Growing up, we learn the stereotypes, and are more or less pressured into following them.


As a guy though, its a great feeling when you find that special someone with whom all the walls crumble. We can be vulnerable, without the pressures of having the stereotype challenge our manhood.

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Naah, a man without his emotional restraint is a wreck. We men may have a soft side, but have been conditioned to ignore it and control our empathy fear and sadness. I personally don't think my emotions and vulnerabilities are anything i would ever share, they're mine and i don't want anyone else to feel the burden. Especially someone i love.

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I personally don't think my emotions and vulnerabilities are anything i would ever share, they're mine and i don't want anyone else to feel the burden. Especially someone i love.


I dont think sharing vulnerabilities is a burden. Especially sharing them with someone you love. Isn't that part of what being in a relationship is about?


Having my significant other share her vulnerabilities with me has no burden about it. It makes me feel more important, and special. Does the fact that I'm a man make sharing mine with her wrong? I'm pretty sure she feels the same that I do. Its strengthening a bond.


Of course, I don't mean balling every day, crying when I see a flower and such. That is extreme. But in moments of weekness, having that person to be there with, and be there for is a wonderful feeling.


Just me.

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Men can (and sometimes do) cry like babies. Its not nearly as freqently as women but, there's nothing wrong with that.


Empathy for emotions is usually considered a feminine trait. The reason for this is that (classicly and contemporarly) mens interactions are geared for information exchange and problem solving. Thats why most men, when given a situation by a woman will produce a scenario that will attempt to help her. Emotions are relitivly useless when in 'problem-solveing mode' in the sense that it isn't really exchangable information.


Womens interactions are geared twords relationship building and the exchange of feelings and what-not. Being a single guy and compleatly not understanding this section of Interpersonal Comm 101, I choose to stop here.

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I used to never be able to cry, even when I wanted to try to get it out. I found that after my first true breakup with a girl i was truly in love with, its like something openeed up inside me, and I pretty much cry randomly now. Its an extremly weird occurrence for me, but this could be a direct result of a depression state im in.

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If "crying like babies" is a figure of speech; then yes, guys do cry like babies. If it's not a figure of speech; then no, we'd be way too loud and a pacifier would do no good. Anyhow, I'm a guy and I do cry, though unlike a baby.

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All people (male or female) have the ability cry. Some people do so more than others.


Society raises boys and girls differently, and in essense, tells girls it is "ok" for them to cry- while boys receive mixed messages.


I believe that there have been times where some men want to cry, but hold back, fearing criticism, and I think this is dangerous for their emotional health.


I don't think men feel any "less" emotions than women, or that they are somehow immune to having the urge to cry. I have seen various men cry tears of pain, anger, and joy.


I have talked about this with my husband and he explained to me that (in his experience) he reached a certain age where he no longer cried as a way of dealing with conflict. For him it was age 10.


When his father was in a near fatal car accident after being hit by a drunk driver, and we didnt' know if he'd live or die, my husband still didn't cry. The pain was very evident though- because he completely shut down and could barely speak during that time.


Everyone has their own way of expressing distress. Even if some men don't cry, it doesn't mean they are not hurting.




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For the most part I've only cried over a woman/love or a death. Other than that, no not really. Someone above mentioned that instead of crying, we get angry which is somewhat true.. or completely shut down. I have on a few occasions, gotten so mad/upset about something that I wanted to get angry, but instead of getting angry, I cried instead. I look at it like, well I can really pissed off and break something, punch a wall, or not do that and just let it out some other way. Guys feel all the emotions women do, it just comes out in different ways. Emotionless people are usually the crazy ones..

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