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A guy that I like has informed me that he likes me but wanted to see where the relationship would go, he has kissed me, wants to hangout with me as much as we can, talks to me at least once a day on the phone and sometimes more and we talk on the phone for like 2 hours at a time. He has told me that I was the only other girl that he ever loved with the exception of his ex. In anycase, based on the way that he is acting, I am assuming that he wants to be more than just friends who like eachother He even informed me that his family would want him to marry me.

Now here's what I don't understand, after he has ben consistent and has said and did all of that, later he said that since his last breakup, (which he has told me that he is over her, but what happen and how it happen still hurts). He doesn't think that he will ever fall head over heals for a girl again. He said that people have told him that someday he will find someone that will do that for him. He said that he just doesn't see that as a possibility. With that said, what is this guy saying to me? Is this guy language to say, "I'm just not that into you." Are these mixed messages and what should I say? On the other hand, he still continues to be consistent. He is still pursuing me. Even on the same day that he said this, he told me that he is hoping that we can live closer to eachother. Oh, and as a side note, I do live a big distance away (like more than 6 hours away) from him too.When I see him next, I was planning on telling him that I want a relationship. Do you think that I would be wasting my time? We have known eachother for a very long time! So asking him I do not think would tear us apart. I just want some clarification.

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uggg.... those are some definate mixed messages. he sounds like he's still hurting over his last breakup and probably isn't ready to be in a relationship and be a good boyfriend to you.


I think he has some things he needs to straighten out. I don't think he sounds like good boyfriend potential right now...


good luck

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