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I have a question for anyone that wants to answer it. I am a girl 5'3 and always had my weight switch between 120- 140 because i live on rez during the months of school and then have to work my * * * off to lose the pounds. Anyway the question is I still get called cute but i dont feel satisfied with myself because I dont feel as if i have a nice body. Sometimes I feel motivated and other times I just sit there and feel sorry. Last summer I lost 20 lbs and I felt good yet I still felt I had more potential...I donno...I guess I am kinda depressed that I am giving myself excuses for not working out...sounds pretty pathetic doesnt it?

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No, it doesn't. you're a girl! that's what we all do!! i'm the same way, honestly, you are a really good weight for your height. just try to not stress over it, work out for health and confidence...not out of obsession, and just watch your food portions and calories. There are times when we ALL feel like not working out!! it's normal. you don't always have to feel like it!! just try to get motivated by working out with a friend, or playing a sport you like or dance ro something, that will help you WANT to do it, not NEED to.

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