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My story for those who dont kno me is on




I had pretty much made up my mind not think about her.my friends at the forum here told me to move on but still i feel down.dragged myself to work,am still down in the dumps.tryin to cheer myself up but its not happenin.


Its not that i want to be back with her , the fact of the matter is i m sad this ever happened to me and angry at myself for hving forced myself into a relationship which would end up like this.help me i m going down.please i m desparate. need to recover.

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I feel bad when I can't think of the magic words that can make people feel better. All I can say is that please don't be so down on yourself. If you knew ahead of time what would happen with the relationship you obviously never would have entered into it. We don't have crystal balls, but we do have hindsight. We're blessed because we have the power to keep things in the past and look forward to a brighter future.


Life's going to suck for a while, but hopefully things will get better for you, sooner rather than later.


Good luck with everything.

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