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I'm being played....and I'm ok?

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Weird. I'm hooking up with this guy who I know is dating/hooking up with a girl that I know (as an acquaintance). And actually that they've been hooking up for a very long time.


I spent the night with him on Saturday night (we didn't have sex) and then the next morning I see them together and knew that they'd spend all of Sunday together...and yet it didn't really bother me that much. Usually, I'm a pretty jealous person. I've broken up with guys just because they paid too much attention to other girls.


ONe thing that makes me feel badly though is that, why am I the secret? This other girl and him, people see them around together all the time...but he and I only hook up at his place, we don't go out...meanwhile they take trips together and such.....


Is it normal to feel this way? I would love to have a relationship with this guy, but I know he doesn't want a real relationship with anyone...plus, I'd be second in line to that other chick anyway..... Do I need to quite hooking up with him?

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If you are starting to feel you want a relationship with this guy then you should end it. He obviously doesn't want any type of relationship, so the more time you spend with him the more you will like him and you could end up getting hurt.


He sounds like a guy who wants best of both worlds and you are allowing him to have this. If I was in this position I would end it.

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My guess is you are the secret as she does not really know about you.


I would love to have a relationship with this guy, but I know he doesn't want a real relationship with anyone...plus, I'd be second in line to that other chick anyway..... Do I need to quite hooking up with him?


If you want a relationship with him, time to move on. It won't happen. Those whom say they don't want a real relationship mean it, at least when it comes to something serious with you.


What if for example you WERE to end up with an STI, or pregnant? Do you really want that to happen with someone whom is a "hook up" and has no plans on staying around?


Not worth it, not if you do want a relationship. There are too many other great men out there whom would be proud to be with you.

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But this guy is so gorgeous! And I know looks aren't everything...but when you're just hooking up with someone with no strings attached.... it's a lot =) I'm just out of a bad relationship and I don't really want to pursue anything yet seriously...and he just happened to be persistent in his flirting...which led to drinking which led to making out.


We don't have much emotional connection though...I guess I'm just afraid that I might start falling for him and get hurt. Yet, I'm so starved for physical affection (hard to get that when you're not in a relationship) that I'm willing to take anything...especially a hottie....when he wants me. Ya know?

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