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Dressing Up After Sex.

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Okay, I'm curious since I have a slight insecurity about it.


Do you find it offensive if after you've had sex, your partner puts his/her cloths back on, even if it was just underwear. I'm saying this because this is what I do. I'm perfectly happy with my appearance, I can gladly say I have no insecurities about being seen naked but after I've had sex I just have to get fully dressed again.


I'll get back into bed afterwards to snuggle but I just won't do it without wearing at least boxers and trousers.


So to my question, would you personally take offence to something like this?

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I wouldn't take offense to it. I mean, as long as you like to cuddle afterwards (which can be very important to some girls), then I don't see why it would make a difference if you were naked, or fully clothed.


Have you had problems with this in the past? Or are you just curious as to what we think?

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You know...I used to date a guy whom would put his boxers on after, and would not sleep without them. It was a bit strange for me as I am a naked sleeper, and thought it was odd to take the trouble to get up and put them on afterwards to go to bed....if that makes sense!


I was not offended by it particularily, though I missed some of the closeness it took away, and the way he would get up rather then stay and snuggle a while longer. I guess I just feel if you can have sex with me, you can be naked with me! But then again I am also more comfortable sleeping naked then having clothes on (annoy the heck out of me) so I recognize everyone is different! Fortunately, my boyfriend is a nekkid sleeper too so it works out fine


But, I also think that ex I mentioned was different in a sense that he actually had some hangups about sex I think, that went a bit beyond what he chose to sleep in!


I don't know, I think having someone get fully dressed (ie boxers and trousers, etc) would to me seem a bit odd...just boxers is one thing, but pants and shirts too?....and make me feel like I had to get dressed too...I guess it would just take away from the moment for me, and the closeness & intimacy. I guess a way to avoid this would be to discuss it with your partner beforehand, so that they were not left wondering "huh?" I mean it's different if it's a quickie before work where you need to get dressed, but if it's like at the end of the night and you are just relaxing, it might seem odd not to spend some time just chilling, you know? So definitely, talk about it!

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Have you had problems with this in the past? Or are you just curious as to what we think?

I haven't really had any problems with it, I remember my first girlfriend did object to it once but it was never a major issue. I'm also quite happy to talk about it with her, I'm mostly just curious about what people think.


To be more accurate I don't mean after just a "quickie", this is after full blown sex. But uh, it's not a question of sleeping either, we're not in a situation where we can spend the night together but sleeping in the same bed naked I wouldn't have an issue with. It's just that time right after sex, I guess I'm slightly worried about safety (as in sexual protection) too. I wouldn't want to risk taking off the condom (something I do as I go to get dressed) and then get up close to them, just incase I get any sperm even close to the vagina.

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Doesn't anyone else put on underwear because of, um, leakage? Me and my guy don't use condoms anymore, and as much as I love sleeping naked, I need to put on some underwear so I don't leak everywhere. I think my boyfriend puts his boxers on for a similar reason.


I've also been told by some guys that they like wearing underwear to sleep to keep everything in place.


Would I be offended? No way. Should a guy be offended if I put my own underwear on? Nuh uh.

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I've never considered doing that, but we all have our ways.

I slept bare for decades and recently started wearing a tee and boxers because I live in a cold adobe house. I suppose if I had a portable heat source nearby...

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I personally don't care that much.


But I can see your concern about sexual protection. If it bothers you, after you take off the condom, just wipe the end of yourself off with kleenex to make sure and then cuddle.


Otherwise, put on your boxers if you want, sounds like your partner doesn't care so no problem.

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Oh ... heh ... I think this is a very individual YMMV area ... after sex I adore lolling around with my lover, both naked, caressing, kissing, talking and slowly falling asleep ... but I don't think it's odd to want to get dressed ... you should consider the impact on your partner however and what they want/need in that immediate post-sexual time.

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True to my world I talked to her about it and she doesn't really mind.


We're both in a 'zOMG, someone is coming up the stairs. Dress! Act normal! Where are my glasses!?' kind of situation so it's actually kind of neccisary to be dressed just in case sometimes.

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I think I'm the only person that actually would mind. I'd be a little miffed if my boyfriend got up right after sex and got dressed. I like post sex pre clothing cuddleing, even if only for a minute or two. After that I don't really mind. Or wouldn't that is.

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Oh Gosh this is kinda funny, since having relations with your mate shouldn't be all so serious about the fluid!


We keep a box of tissues at one side of the bed and a roll of tp on the other side, so what's the major deal?


If anybody wants to do anything else, then get up and wet a washcloth for your mate, wash yourself and get on with it!


I hate having clothes on for sleep and have slept raw since I was 18 years old.


The fact that I can be a tosser, turner, doesn't feel great to have a garment wrap around you in the process. Especially elastic on unders, but do it on my cycle.

I guess I would say that if you're really into each other that you will find your common ground.


All you have to do is ask "Why Are You Choosing to Put Unders on or Whatever?".......Especilly if there aren't any children in the house. Hmmmmmmmmmmm!


Good Luck and Be or Have A Fun Relationship!!!!


God Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The People I Cannot Change, The Courage To Change The One I Can and The Wisdom To Know It's Me!


Quote: "Every Day You Don't Learn Something New Is A Day Wasted!"

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