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I hope I don't need to explain the birds and the bees... Espcially not to a thirty year old .___.;


It's hard to know what they are when none of them are interested in me and I've never been with one.


To me they come accross like a different species or something.

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yes - Hollywood is BS as are the women that work there. Or at least how they're portrayed in hollywood movies. But in REAL life, women really are a lot like men minus an external part or two.


In real life, we don't have any different expectations, aspirations, or wants out of life than men do.


Maybe if you start looking at them as really similar instead of so different, you'll be able to relate to them better.


For example, what do "men" or your mates really, like to talk about? What do you talk about with your mates?


Try a similar conversation with a girl and see where it goes.

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Dating is just a stupid bunch rules... I can't follow these rules... In fact, I'm going insane (I'll probably will be literaly thrown to the loony bin) just for following my parents' rules, school, then work, growing old, dying... Life is just a bunch of rules! Stupid rules stupid rules stupid rules everywhere... And we, mankind make up more rules... More stupid rules on how to date, how to make money (why does money even exist?), how to make friends. Sometimes even who to fall in love with... blah, say whatever you want about me, cause there should be no rule against it, just like there shouldn't (hopefully there aren't) any against me saying all this that I've said.

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It just feels like me and women are incompatible, which is weird since I'm a male.


If you find relating to women so complex, why not schedule a visit with a counselor/therapist to get to the root of the reason why, rather than chalking it up to women are too complicated to understand or too incompatible with you? That's kind of a drastic assumption.

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In real life, we don't have any different expectations, aspirations, or wants out of life than men do. .


I don't wish to complicate things but women do think differently for a start they wish they could conceive without the need for a menstruation cycle.


And women are really not that hard to get along with. Just don't talk about football a lot (unless they like it) or "birds". Be polite and civil and you would be surprised what wonders that would bring. Just joke around and have fun.


And as for the 40 year old virgin being well you know what you said. Maybe the film is not like real life, but the moral most certainly is, you are never to old to find love, and lack of experience is not the end of the world.


You're putting the *censor* on a pedastol!

HAHAHA that did make me laugh actually, I like what you did there. There just building the *censor* up would you not say.



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Ross K,


At times I have felt like your female "equivalent". Do not allow yourself to get cynical over matters of the heart, as cynacism will consume you. I am telling you this because I have felt similarly.


I truly believe that if you start thinking positive thoughts and think of things positive, the energy will reflect outwards. It's what reflects outwards that will attract people.


Now I smile at everyone, say hello and tell them to have a good day. That next person that you say hello to and smile at may end up being the one for you.

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When God created everything, everything was good except Adam being alone, and thereforeeee, that was reconciled by creating Eve out of the rib-cage of his body. They were in perfect harmony prior to the fall. Eve ate the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and Adam ate it. They both became corrupted, and lost their innosense, and now that's why there is all this BS today.


In order to continue with the propegation of the human race, a man, and a woman must marry and do their business, and have children. It seems to be God's will that this wicked human race continues reproducing itself, despite the wars, the oppression, and human rights abuses people inflict on their fellow man, and the fact that some people suffer the fate of being incel.


Woman, are equal to man, however, since it was the woman was first tempted by the devil, and listened to it, and the man was tempted by the woman to eat it. The man probably would not have been directly tempted by the snake because he would be too smart for that, but was tempted by the beauty of his wife to listen to her. The woman would listen to anything because she was stupid. So, you understand the dynamics.


I know this may offend some people, but I'm just kidding on the last paragraph, dont take it seriously.

So, a woman can make a smart man stupid.

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Dating is just a stupid bunch rules... I can't follow these rules... In fact, I'm going insane (I'll probably will be literaly thrown to the loony bin) just for following my parents' rules, school, then work, growing old, dying... Life is just a bunch of rules! Stupid rules stupid rules stupid rules everywhere... And we, mankind make up more rules... More stupid rules on how to date, how to make money (why does money even exist?), how to make friends. Sometimes even who to fall in love with... blah, say whatever you want about me, cause there should be no rule against it, just like there shouldn't (hopefully there aren't) any against me saying all this that I've said.


Rules are annoying but they're put in place to ensure the survival of the species - us. Some are outdated, yes but you can't change society you can only adapt to it.

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If you find relating to women so complex, why not schedule a visit with a counselor/therapist to get to the root of the reason why, rather than chalking it up to women are too complicated to understand or too incompatible with you? That's kind of a drastic assumption.


I will be seeing a therapist for SA, so I will tell him/her about being incompatible with women.

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I don't know what women "are", as such.


Well, I'm technically an 18 year old woman, but for a number of years I've had a few gender issues, ie believing I should have born a guy, I'm in the wrong body, etc.


What solved my woes on that front was realising that "its what PEOPLE are that really matters, and gender is really irrevelant". As a bisexual, that makes sense to me on a lot of levels.


Women are not that different from men these days, as traditional gender roles become ever more blurred. This can be more confusing but is ultimately liberating, I suppose.

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I mean if you are not gay, and you are attracted to women, then it's not a case of incompatibility, but a case of getting yourself situated so that you can relate to women as a man. Yes, relating to women is different than relating to men, but women are not *so* different from men as to be incompatible with a straight man, or to be impossible to relate to. In fact, most straight people *like* the differences between men and women and find them attractive because of these differences (even if they complain about the differences from time to time as well ).


It's good that you're seeing a therapist. Maybe you have underlying "beliefs" that are getting in the way of relating to women, despite your attraction to them.

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Me and 99% of women just dont seem to connect on any level.


Honestly, if there were no other men around for me to see them hooking up with women, I wouldn't be aware that men and women are supposed to be together, I'd just think that we aren't, not even as friends, I'd just think women are a different species from what I am, like we're two different types of animal. And obviously my attraction to them would just make me feel confused.

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