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Anal Sex?

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The best tools for the job?


I have always had this exit only policy, but recently have though about trying it...I am seriously scared that it will hurt way to much suggestions please!


And thanks!


Lots of LUBRICATION! And I mean LOTS. More then you think.


TONS of foreplay, using fingers, toys and getting you riled up for it.


Lots of PATIENCE...at first he has to go slow. Learn to BREATHE. In your anus there are certain muscles that tend to tighten when you penetrate, so there can be 10 seconds of pain...ask him to HOLD and breathe through it. These muscles will relax and you can continue.


You have to really TRUST and COMMUNICATE with one another.


Use a condom - even if on birth control - as the anus is a great environment for e.coli for example which can affect your partner and you if it is transmitted.


Do NOT go from the anus to the vagina EVER as it is an infection risk.


Yeah, and LOTS of LUBE in case you forgot


It's actually really enjoyable once you get into it - I am sure not for everyone - but there is both a taboo-ness and good sensations that come from it too.

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The best tools for the job?


I have always had this exit only policy, but recently have though about trying it...I am seriously scared that it will hurt way to much suggestions please!


And thanks!


OK, here would be my guide to heavenly anal sex:


a) Lube. Enough lube, not too much. Why? Well, it can kill the sensation. Keep it handy, as water based lube tends to dry.




c) Comunication.


Your anus is used to being only an exit and basically, work from the inside to the outside, not backwards, and even less, keep something inside of it for that long.


Sooo, the foreplay is more like warmup. Start with one finger, and don't get past the single finger once you get used to it and start enjoying it. Then two fingers.

At that point you'll have to learn to control the anus, if you tighten it, it will hurt, so you'll have to learn to relax it.

If everything is good, go for three fingers!


Don't even dare to think about his penis in there until you are comfortable with three fingers in there. If that day it wasn't possible, try it another time. The anus is too sensitive, and can get sore from the foreplay, and you don't want to turn that into torture. And if you haven't got comfortable with the fingers, the penis will not only hurt you, but it will likely harm the delicate tissues/muscles in there.


So, unless you want to get your anus injured, take your time, even if that means days.


Something to remember, the more often you do it, the more your anus will get used to it, and it will get easier. So if you try it one day, and it is just not possible, try it other day, the more you try it, the easier it will get.



With the practice you won't even need warmup anymore, you'll be able to do it without the finger excersise, but don't try it before you are used to it, the first times stick to warmup excersises.

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Here is the great thing. If it hurts, then you can stop. All the advice has been great. I would let him use some lube and a finger until you are ready for more. Anal sex should not be something painful. Take it slow because you have plenty of time. It is a dangerous activity because of the germs, but if you are careful and he is respectful, then it could be great. If you don't like it, then don't do it. It is not for everyone. But, I am sure it will make him very happy. lol

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