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Ok. Ill make it as short as possible. im a bartender at a local downtown bar. Well the other night a bunch of us from work went out to a private party. One of the bartenders I work with brought a girl that he says he is dating. This guy isnt a really good friend or anything. I just work with the guy and every once in a while we'll hang out if we run into each other. But, we know the same people. My friends are pretty much his friends. Well, I got REALLY drunk and ended up sleeping with the girl that he brought to the party. According to her, it was their second date and its nothing serious. They kissed a few times but never any sex. Well, she came on to me very strong, and I probably didnt try to stop her. He ended up leaving the party. My guess is that he saw us kissing. So this is where the advice comes in. What should I do??????????? Should I play it cool? Apologize? I feel really really bad! Any opinions?

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Well, for one it's clear she didn't like him and he didn't have a chance anyway. Are you going to tell him that? Of course not! But she just saved him a lot of time and headache.


Apologize? Maybe. If he brings it up. We're missing a lot of details, such as if you knew, how things went down, etc., that might make a difference.


It's not like YOU hit on her, did you? She came onto you. It speaks more about her than you or him. But you should also realize that this is not a quality woman, what with her dumping him date to sleep with you!

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Well she is the one that owes him the apology more than you but you might want to consider it, it speaks well of your chracter that you feel guilty. I would definatly spare him the details and play it by ear, if he brings it up then make it clear that you are sorry.


Also if you start dating this girl regularly you might want to keep a respectful silence, at least for a time until it has all cooled off.

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