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Lately, I've been so angry with... well, everything. I'm not happy with my life and I get depressed.


But depression is simply our own anger turned inwards on to ourselves.


I'm not sure if I'm asking for advice, venting or just wasting bandwidth (I hope not the latter), but here I am.


I just feel so mad at life. This world, really.


I mean, doesn't life suck? (Well, not for everyone of course...) But for those to whom it does suck, doesn't it **** you off? I'm not the type of person to sit passively by and let life crap all over me, but in certain situations, what else can you do?


More than angry, I'm frustrated. I'm twenty-four years old and by now, I would expect to be better off than I am right now. People tell me, "You're still young." But I'm getting older and older and time flies right by. I can still easily remember being 17 or 18 like it was yesterday.


And, you know, I think I have every right to be angry, frustrated and disgusted with my life. Being already twenty-four years old, I should be married (or at the very least engaged or in a serious committed relationship to a great girl), but I'm not. Not even so much as a prospect on the horizon! Ugh, that irks me.


I'm going to school to make something great of myself, but if I end up single, lonely and miserable (heh, already am) years from now, then what is the point?


Life is such a pain in the neck, isn't it?


*To make this a discussion of sorts, I'll ask you guys: What do you all do when you're feeling this angry about everything?*

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Heh, funny you should mention heavy metal. I used to hate the stuff, now I drive down the road going 30 over the speed limit blasting my stereo at full power. Guess I'm not the only one.


I did see a therapist but she was absolutely NO help. She just told me to join clubs, which I did... met no one. So I quit. Great advice, lady.

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Life is such a pain in the neck, isn't it?


*To make this a discussion of sorts, I'll ask you guys: What do you all do when you're feeling this angry about everything?*


I think of less fortunate individuals. For example, I do some per diem work for a spinal cord injury rehab center. I see many young men/women 18-30 who are quadraplegics/paraplegics. When I feel down, I count my blessings and thank God that I can walk, use my arms, dress myself, feed myself and go to the bathroom on my own. Then, I realize that life is not the pain in the neck that I formally thought it was.


We all have our days, KevinT. But 24 is young (at 31, to me it is). Life might be "worse" than it is for you now if you were in a marriage with someone but still felt "alone". Life is dynamic and it does not stay the "same" forever.

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Good point. Trust me, I don't want to sound totally ungrateful for the few good things I do have in my life. I'm thankful for my health, my few talents, a roof over my head and food in my stomach. Don't get me wrong, I thank God for those things continually. Things could definitely be worse.


But I get so angry and frustrated because I feel let down. I had big hopes, dreams and plans for my future and it seems as though many of them (which included a family) will never come to fruition. At least not any time soon... if ever (long story there, not gonna get into it here.)


I do agree that it's better to be single than to be in an unhappy marriage, but c'mon... I'm an idealist to the bitter end. Probably why I'd define myself as a true "hopeless romantic." I feel like I failed because I couldn't even accomplish something as simple as finding the right person and having a family with her. I let myself down (hence the depression kicks in). And when I'm not blaming myself, I'm blaming the world for cursing me. There are so many people out there who have someone great, yet I have no one. I'm not perfect and I'm glad I have much of what I DO, but I still dream for things I have been denied. I do not believe that is wrong.


To lose the ability to dream, is give up hope. To give up hope is to lie down and die.

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get another psychiatrist


LOL Wish I could afford one in the first place!


I usually work out. I notice on days that I don't work out I seem more irritable, frustrated, stressed, and depressed compared to days that I get a great work out in. Running really seems to just release everything from me. I tend to think about the world's problems when I run. I guess it's the whole fight or flight response...catecholamines (epinephrine and norephinephrine) are released into the bloodstream, mobilizing fatty acids and glucose,` and everything's good. Endurance in exercise parallels endurance with life. Weight lifting is great, too.


Sometimes I go for a drive, but that's not as therapeutic.

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I don't know if you work out dude, but if you don't you should start.


Working out does wonders. I know this, I run every morning before breakfast and I'm gona start swimming soon as well. It changes your whole outlook on the day. Instead of thinking 'omg i have so much to do' you think 'right, what's the best way to tackle this?'


Just start running. It's easy, it's free, and you are in complete control of how hard you push yourself. Worked wonders for me.

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I used to consume various chemicals when angry. Worked fine if the side effects aren't problematic.

Working out is excellent. I was a road cyclist for many years. After a long climb in the mountains with a chilling descent, you can't be angry.

Weights, ditchdigging, anything physical. Construction work was the most satisfying, since all that effort had a result.


Getting older took the edge off.

It really is one benefit of aging to look forward to.

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Well, I used to work out. Until very recently, that is. Lately, I've just stopped completely. I used to lift weights several times per week, then I stopped a few weeks ago. I was really only doing it to look better for women, so I quit since that's not the best reason in the world to do so. I do know that working out heavily is makes you feel good (and gets rid of excess stress) since it releases endorphines, as someone already said.

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To make this a discussion of sorts, I'll ask you guys: What do you all do when you're feeling this angry about everything?

"I don't get mad, I just grow a tumor." -Woody Allen


depression is simply our own anger turned inwards on to ourselves.
or maybe anger is simply our own depression turned outwards onto others.


weights, jogging, dancing... anything to cop a good endorphin buzz.

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Well, seeing as how anger is one of the four base emotions and depression is not, I'd say it's anger being turned inwards; but either or. The difference is irrelevant, if you think about it since the outcome is the same.


You know, it's probably a very good thing I don't use drugs or drink, because if I did, I'd have probably ODed or developed a bad liver already. I have a very addictive personality and am even prone to alcholism and drug abuse (runs in my family and my personality is actually predispositioned to addiction). It's kind of scary, really. I'm so glad I never got into any of that stuff in high school, otherwise I would probably be dead now.

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