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What should I look into? Witchcraft?


No, politics! Any man can learn to take apart another man, a gifted man is one who can put a man back together.


I've been involved in martial arts for over 38 years, I would never teach someone with your passion to hurt others. Look into yourself and fight the hatered that you have within yourself, show your real strength and be the better person.



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Well, first off, Witches don't think of what they do as "black arts."

Learning the Craft just to hurt people isn't very wise. The harm you do to others will come back to bite you.


But, if you are interested in Witchcraft and want to know more, visit link removed. This is one of the best Witchcraft resources out there. You can even find others ion your area. But be forwarned, if you openly announce you are just interested because you want to hurt people, you won't get much revelry.

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I don't really know if this is the kind of forum for stuff like this since its about helping people not hurting them but if you really want to know...........


Pressure points are pretty much the most painful and damaging points for the body but you shouldn't be going around learning stuff just to pick fights with people. 1. That's not what martial arts are about and 2. If your instructors were to find out im sure they would kick you out of their school.

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Well yeah, obviously the first was a joke, but its hard to tell on the internet. My mistake, but I AM interested in spirituality. And I do feel pretty lost right now. Even though I know lots of people on campus, and have a good circle of friends, I still feel lonely. I spent this weekend by myself.


I would say I'm pretty experienced for traveling the world in my early years.


Would you believe me if I said I've been to a "black" church before? I've also been a Jehovah's Witness, and did those God awful Bible studies with people. I regret it. I regret that I actually bought into that crap. Would you believe me if I said I use to be overweight and anti social?


I'm sure there's others that have experienced more, but I fill that niche.


I'm learning right now, and I'll learn more once I graduate college. It's hard to experiment with some other things like sex, when it has to be a mutual thing between someone else.

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Well I'm glad you're learning now. But I think you should think more about what you really want from your life. Maybe when you find out you'll feel better then.


I know your family situation is complicated (from previous threads) so maybe that's why you feel lonley. But if you're friend are really such good friends talk to them and they should help you.


No offense but it seems like you experiment with your life non stop. Maybe it's high time to stop and think about it first and then start making decissions?

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Take a theology course, I'm sure your university offers one or more. There are other ways of dealing with your loneliness than starting a thread like this. I think you were angry in the beginning and said what you said out of anger, which is fine this is a place to vent but you should title your thread ALONE and NEED TO VENT. That way others will be more understanding and sincere in their efforts to help you as opposed to trying to decode your rant and see if you have fallen off of the deep end.



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What an odd request. I think this gentleman said it best:


"Probably the best plan is to practice on your own body"


This shows Darwinism in it's most humorous form. Just don't procreate. I highly doubt at the seasoned age of 18 you've learned everything about Tae Kwondo. I took it for 5 years and I still had a LONG way to go. It takes a lifetime of commitment for most martial arts. Another thing to think about... If some nut came up to me blabbering about his hatred for humanity and started poking my pressure points and casting spells with garlic and crucifixes I wouldn't hesitate to whack him upside the head with my fist.

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