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I am 21 and I only just had my first orgasm about three weeks ago and now I can't stop using my vibrator.

I have started to use my vibrator at least three times a day so I can get an orgasm. Is this normal?

I haven't ever had an orgasm with a man only with my vibrator, does anyone else get this problem?

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hehehehe... doesn't sound bad. Congrats on getting your orgasms! Now that you can finally experience them, you are just catching up on lost time. And yes, lots of women have troubles having orgasms through pure intercourse. Most need some clitoral stimulation.



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Good for you honey!! A lot of women can only please themselves at first. A womans orgasm is totally different from a mans. We have to know how to get ourselves there before a man can make us orgasm. I don't think the fact that you use your vibrator 3x a day is abnormal, if I had enough time in the day I'd probably do it too!

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when i met my ex she was 23 and had never had the 'big o' w/o her pocket rocket. i decided not to give up, and just when i thought my jaw was gonna drop off, BINGO! you shoulda seen the look on her face when she said, "i didn't know that could happen without a vibe!"


as far as the three times a day thing, a famous sex expert once said that it should not be considered a prob unless (a) you're getting chapped or blistered, or (b) it interferes with the rest of your life.

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hey orgasms are addictive so dont feel abnormal, i happen to know that some friends of mine have given themselves orgasms more than 3 times a day so dont stress. with the absense of orgasms with a guy, show him where the clit is lol and instruct him to play with that, im sure after a good session of playing with it how you like it, you will most likely orgasm

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