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Has anyone on here never even had anyone show interest in them?


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Sounds like something clicked for you. woo hoo!


Now instead of the time machine, concentrate on what's immedietly around you. The Present. You know now - so you'll know when you are being a chicken! And you can simply take a deep breath and go ahead even if you are scared.


Also, how is it that y'all have missed out on upfront direct girls. I bet you haven't. I bet you turned them away.


Anyways, good for you for trying to work through it Mjc.

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Okay, real life example here of how to treat women:


I ate an orange. Got all messy. So I went to the sink to wash my hands. Of COURSE there are no freakin' towels, so I am left dripping wet! I'm not wiping my hands on my pants or tie so I head back to my office. On the way ... there's 'Cynthia' sitting at her desk. I walk over and say "Give me your hand." She looks up and says "What?" and I say again "Give me your hand!" and she looks down at my hand, dripping wet, and laughs. She refuses and says "Here, I've got something else for you" and pulls out a napkin from her desk and hands it to me so I can dry my hands. Of course one is not enough so I say "Stop being so stingey with those things, I need at least two more!" and so that's what I got. Then I said thanks and walked off. She laughed and smiled.


There you have it. That's all you have to do.

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Well, there are lots of possible reasons....


Is there any medical reason you think it may be a hormonal/phernome thing?


No, not really.


You're a cute guy. I'm sorry you're feeling like no one is showing interest in you, because I don't really see why they wouldn't!


This is just my personal observation, but I have noticed that many shy guys simply miss/dismiss advances or signs of interest by women. I know I have shamelessly flirted with shy guys - and sometimes they still do not see that I like them! It requires that super-direct "I like you and want to go out with you" approach, but that sometimes makes them awkward or embarrassed.


Whoops...sorry to go on like that....




Thanks, it could just be a good photgraph though, there's others where I look totally different and ugly, so I could easily look worse in real life. So maybe looks could still be my problem or part of the problem.


I can't see how I could have missed signals from girls, since they've never acted any differently towards me than how men act. Unless I'm not just missing them as being flirting and I'm missing them altogether, but if they're that subtle, surely you'd have to be telepathic to know what she thinks.




Did you do your assignment I gave you yet?


I just haven't got it in me to approach random strange women.


I've also heard a lot of people saying in here that it could be becuase I think no women are interested, the thing is though I actually used to think the opposite, infact there were girls where I'd think 'she must be interested in me' but then I'd find out they wasn't, not only that I'd usually find out that they just think I'm a * * * * or think I'm ugly, which is just totally soul crushing.


So being positive didn't get any women showing interest in me either.

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So are you actually interested in meeting women? Do you want help? Or are you just here to vent? I don't understand. You won't take any steps to change anything. I take it you're just here to chat?


You've had more women flirt with you and hit on you on this site than I ever have yet you claim failure.

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This is online though, it's a totally different world from offline. I bet you any money they wouldn't be doing that if we were offline. Most or all of the ones who're flirting will just be messing about anyway, they're not going to be genuinley interested.


Anyway, most of the time they're just saying you're nice looking, which doesn't really have to mean flirting. Also, I've realised that other girl that heavily flirted with me last week was just doing it to make me feel better.


Yes, I'm interested in meeting women, but I suppose I'm just here to vent, it makes me feel better, and I suppose I'm just hoping someone can prove me wrong and make me realise it's possible. I dunno.

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Man, I am *so* going to prove you wrong. You've become my shadow, I have to admit, I think about how I can convince you well after I have gone offline.


I believe you are overseas (England?) and it will make meeting nearly impossible, but I am not beyond flying to some in-the-middle location to spend a week with you.


You look exactly like me years ago. You talk like me years ago. You think like me years ago. I see ME in YOU and it drives me nuts because I know that *I* would not listen to me right now, but I know at the same time I know I *should* listen. I feel like I have to figure out how to convince MYSELF of 6 years ago to get my head out of my a** and pay attention.


There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with you other than a lack of experience. All you need is a teacher. It drives me nuts that I cannot reach you, and I cannot understand why I cannot make that connection to you. Of the many hundreds of folks I meet you are ... GET THIS ... you are the perfect CHALLENGE. You are exactly what women are looking for, but we need to flip it around.


I seemingly cannot explain this Ross, but you have so many traits of the Dominant male which are SO attractive to women but you need a simple 180 flip to make it work. You are so close to perfection but you can't see it.


It drives me nuts because I can see it. I can totally see it. I can see things I think no one else can see (maybe I should lay off the drugs, eh? ) and I swear once you see it you will be an unstoppable force.


Look around at my posts, my activity, I don't spend this much time on any one person. I really see something in you. I am very impressed.


My whole reason of being on this site is to give back to the world, give back to the community, in ways that I was never given. It's to teach as many guys what I was never taught, and it's to make guys realize there is nothing wrong with them other than a simple lack of education.


Give me that opportunity? Will you? You have to trust me. You have to work with me. You have to take a step and put your hand out and let me guide you down the dark path of the unknown.


You up for an adventure?

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So what are these traits that I have of a dominant male? I've always been percieved and I look like a beta male (well, in my face. I do have an okay build now)


I'd be up for an adventure, trust me, but I need to work on my social anxiety first and get my life a bit more together.

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No fish stories, please, let's really team up and give Ross the respect and help he deserves.


Ross, We HAVE to talk. PM me your phone number. I will figure a way to call you that doesn't cost me an arm and a leg and we'll start from the beginning. Just friends. No big deal. We'll get you on the right track, as it's really not that hard.


Yes, I am making a commitment here to work with you, one on one, person to person. And since I clearly live overseas, you do not have to worry about me showing up at your doorstep! (If you lived in the states I probably would! )

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No fish stories, please, let's really team up and give Ross the respect and help he deserves.


Ross, We HAVE to talk. PM me your phone number. I will figure a way to call you that doesn't cost me an arm and a leg and we'll start from the beginning. Just friends. No big deal. We'll get you on the right track, as it's really not that hard.


Yes, I am making a commitment here to work with you, one on one, person to person. And since I clearly live overseas, you do not have to worry about me showing up at your doorstep! (If you lived in the states I probably would! )


A challenge creating attraction at work! Seriously Ross yu need a frame shift and I think Poco will give you the opportunity to do that. take it you got nothing to lose.

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You say you have shown good attitude in past, that this "I don't stand a chance" -attitude has come in recently. How many times you have actually made the effort in your whole life to talk to a girl you're interested? I bet very very few. I've been in your shoes and I know that was the case with me. I know that's the problem, you don't make real effort, you just sit around hoping that a girl would come and do it for you. Give your number to Poco and do as he says. I think he can give the right advice to you without turning you into an overconfident @ss who thinks being a "pro pick-up artist" is the best and the only good thing in the world.

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This is online though, it's a totally different world from offline. I bet you any money they wouldn't be doing that if we were offline. Most or all of the ones who're flirting will just be messing about anyway, they're not going to be genuinley interested.


Anyway, most of the time they're just saying you're nice looking, which doesn't really have to mean flirting. Also, I've realised that other girl that heavily flirted with me last week was just doing it to make me feel better.

Ever wonder what it's like when nobody flirts with you ever? I have absolutely no idea what it feels to be flirted with, even though I see my friends experience it. Ever wonder what it feels like to wonder if you're a different sexual creature from another world who nobody can or will ever be attracted to? Doesn't feel good at all.


And I saw the enlarged version of your pic....

link removed


man... I think you really are seriously gorgeous...

(Now... do you think I'm joking? or deluded?)

I just saw the pic too and she is right. I think your problem is that your self doubt clouds your vision so much that you think you have to be some type of man to attract women, as if there is a set of standards that need to be reached, and if some or all are not present, then you have no shot. I wish I could look back at a time when women flirted with me and see if I thought it was a mere illusion or pity tactic, but I can't because no girl has ever flirted with me. Maybe eye contact here and there, but the facial expression suggests that she was looking at me merely because I was looking at her.

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