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It's okay to hurt- Everthing does move on- FCTex

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  • 4 months later...

I look back at this today, only because I thought of her.. But one thing has definitely changed since Aug 6th, 2005..


I'm still whole, I still breathe, I still live, laugh, love, and remember. I still walk the same, talk the same, love the same if not harder and smarter, and I definitely thank God for the people around me, the people here, and the people who just merely smiled at me on those dreaded days through the journey of a break up..


I'm satisfied with the way I handled things. I hurt like hell, I wanted to wash everything clean. I wished I'd never met her, and I wished like hell something bad would pay her back. But what I really really wished for, was that I would be okay, and I did.. I'm glad for her, I'm glad for the learning, I'm glad she showed me alot of things in life and gave me the best lesson in growing up from something I thought was so tragic.


Everyone who hurts, heals. It's part of life, and while you won't see it, and feel it now, and definitely can't understand it from someone telling it to you.. You eventually will feel at ease with everything and you won't ever be upset about it.


After all, I'm still in my successful relationship after her, and she's single yet again in and up and down relationship that was plauged with cheating and lies.. Who got the greener side now?


Stay strong everyone, because no matter WHAT takes place, and what happens, the good in everything will eventually shine through, and look forward to another day because it can ONLY get better and sweeter with time!

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Thanks for that FCTex, I needed the reminder. I feel like i'm moving on finally but it's really day by day right now, really slow. It's a little over 3 months in. I had a small down moment but you helped with that post.

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